
Perfect speed to stay behind the bow wave...I’m impressed. Looks like he’s done it before.

So Cyborg as Wasabi now? I accept this trade

Its wierd because TJ Miller has been in the HTTYDragons TV series

hes too busy with Tuffnut and the Mucinex snot-troll commercials...

I am satisfied with my news.

Could have sworn it said, “..most of the cast was black.”

What you did there has been made visible to the entirety of our Realm. Well done, Sir Knight!

Good! Big Hero 6 was such a breath of fresh air, it’s the best thing Disney’s put out in ages.

So, will Wasabi have a tiger?

That’s awesome! It wasn’t my favorite recent Disney film, but I very much did enjoy the world it had created. Glad to see the art style has translated well to 2D, based on the promo.

This is what drives me crazy about people who argue against colorblind casting, or replacing a character with a character of a different race or gender, or ask “well can we cast a white guy as Black Panther than hypocrite!,” or talk about how much they support diversity, but not at the expense of White Guy X’s history

I’ve seen his quote before, it’s heartbreaking. It reminds me of the old “ugly doll” experiment.

It’s actually hilarious. He bitches about NAFTA and open trade agreements; but if it wasn’t for those agreements, Toyotas wouldn’t be getting built (and employing American workers) in those 3 American plants.

I find it hilarious that it’s a Toyota Camry that has Trump stickers all over it. Make America Great Again, people! Could they not find an “American” car to put those stickers on?

So I just turn the handle?

Can I just say that I have watched the play through of Bioshock Infinite umpteen times now and I still love it? And the music is so good.

Many years ago my friends mom had a little second hand shop in Tiburon, Ca. Just one street for tourists. After school his job was to sit and play their player piano to entertain the costumers. It wasn’t autonomous, you had to sit there and pump the pedals.

Yet, how many are thinking, “Oh hey it’s a cover of that Alien Ant Farm song!”?... you know who you are.
