
Lol! Some places in australia are freaking cold lol. So it’s correct to find snow in australia, specially in the south of the country...

Dude the meteor is cool and all, but what I want to know about is those straight lines right next to it. I’m guessing it’s maybe seismic activity + weathering, but there’s a couple of lines that are like knife edge straight in those pictures which is something I didn’t think was supposed to happen in nature.

+10 seconds and a seagull.



There it is

Closer scrutiny of the map made me think so too. This projection makes Japan look as big as possible while keeping it in the middle of the map. They also chose the color red for Japan, and the Sakhalin thing is more on top of that. Looked up the status of the island and it is not officially in dispute (but four

Came for that clip; was not disappointed.

Just north of Magellan

I think it’s important to have a correct rendered map in 2D for screens, not paper. Not necessesarily for global travel and exploration but for logistics, flight control, etc. When you see a 2D Mercator projected map and a flight path from say NY to London, it appears like an arc. When you see it on a properly

Also: SpaceX’s entry.

Porque no los dos?

that is an awesome course, its too bad they didnt bring more riders. I bet that gets very tiring very quickly even for the pros.

The other, perhaps better plan I’ve heard is to engineer mosquitoes that have immunity to the pathogens they spread and have dominant versions of those genes. The idea being that a mosquito population that produces antibodies to malaria/zika/what have you will shut down the spreading of that disease. There’s no

I know you’re kidding but I manage the finances of people with disabilities. I pay their bills, do their taxes, help them get loans, things like that. Most of them are very wealthy from settlements. It’s not worth it. There is no amount of money in the world worth what some of my clients have been through and are

I would like to proceed with getting all this boring crap I have to do done as quickly as possible, so I can get to the relaxing and fun part of my day. Would you kinda proceed to get the hell out of my way good sir / madam?

Similarly fell for my Pikachu in Y. She and her heart-shaped tail never left my party, and I won’t even entertain evolving her.

I did the maths on the bus one evening - I was very bored! At the time, Tesla weren’t confirming the details but the indications were around £8K/€10K/$12K* and an 8 year/200,000 KM battery life. Over that distance, you’d spend £13K/€16K/$19K on fuel for a diesel Mercedes S Class or BMW 7 series on top of what you

I’m assuming that when the studio was looking for a replacement, they were looking for someone who could direct the hell out of an action scene while also be amenable to whatever Ryan Reynolds and his team wanted to produce. I’m sure we’re going to get a Deadpool sequel that does exactly that.

Here’s my favorite in the same vein: