
I think we can all rest assured that Lt. Barclay is going to be the first to get facehugged and chestbursted.

Chestburster out of Data !

So say we all.

Many goldshirts died giving us this crossover

asking the real question

good segue, but i have no idea. those two are genius.


Interactive Narcotics would be a great indie studio name.

Why did he take down all of Team Rocket solo?

I can’t wait to see Star Pikachu ORA ORA someone

Call it the Dome of The Rock.

I was friends with a JW growing up, dude knew more about the technical aspects of Star wars ships than anyone I ever met. it was ridiculous.

Sorry didn’t see this response until today because someone starred my comment out of the blue.

If we someday get a Godzilla vs. Cloverfield Monster (they should probably name it before then)... maybe.

TIL Barry and Robin Gibb had a Merc pickup.

No, that cask is what they emptied the Taco Bell septic tank into.

Hi Evan, this is unrelated, but do you think you can do one of these on Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur? It’s really good and it makes me sad that it’s not more popular, since it’s my favorite book right now (runner up is probably Captain America: SW)

I’ve made my peace with it. Just like with almost every videogame ever, trigger discipline, proper placement on the trigger, on-model or at least structurally consistent weapons and proper reloads just aren’t a priority. If you want a good laugh about such things, I highly recommend checking out the imfdb articles for

Hiring artists who actually know something about handling guns regularly would LenDale little credibility to the characters they’re drawing. It’s okay for Feinstein to mishandle a gun (no, it’s really not), but Deadpool should definitely know better than to fishhook a trigger.

The way Valve leans of Steam and MOBAs these days, I’d say we were fortunate enough to get a Portal 2. I’d say Valve’s days of releasing single player campaign software are over.

Valve seems to have shifted their business model to be centered almost exclusively around Steam. They’re more of a middle-man than a hands-on developer these days. But the day Half-Life 3 is announced is the day the videogame industry peaks. It’ll be like if the Cubs win the World Series!