
Even if she doesn’t make it in F1, I’m sure there are other jobs in motorsports where her talent would allow her to excel.

It’s ugly as all hell.

Does the roof fold up? Or is it just a roadster without a roof?

I’d do anything for money also....

Man that body looks so much better without all the flashy contrasting colors seen on the normal GT12. Would love to see a coupe in a similar scheme.

Don’t be sad; be terrified. When you humans let fear and anger cloud your reason and turn you against one another, your society weakens and you will fall. At long last, the Lizard People will claim this planet for our noble culture. All hail the Lizard Gods!

It seems like that, but they just made the referendum in 2014 about that. It seems like it would be different if they made again now.

Yay! At least for a couple days we can talk about how stupid another country is instead of how stupid our own is.

Thats what happens when one political party claims the mantle of “progress” (a bad idea), sometimes they will lose. This is a victory for independence and a loss for diversity and inclusion.

We need to ban high-capacity trains. Not let people ride who are on the no ride list. A two week waiting period. No buying tickets at train shows. These ads don’t seem to be cruelty-free, fair-trade, free-range, GMO free, organically produced, either. Think of the children!

heart-stopping ending, literally & figuratively

Cross-post to Jalop...

that last one with the rock...where is custodial keeping the foreign objects out of the station?

Brilliant recommendation

I can’t wait for someone to edit the last one into the transit cop emptying a clip into the skater kid...


Oh the humanity!

Praise be the banana bread! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!