
The Wiiu was marketed terribly.

That was mine...?

Not sure what you mean by living room moments, but send any cool videos you have to highlightreel@kotaku.com and we'll take a look!

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This stroke of luck at the end of this With Anyone match on Brawl's online is my favorite kind of luck = input lag. Yes, this was a old match - Yes, I was the laggy Marth player getting his ass kicked by ZSS.

866? Impressive. Most impressive...

he cant. that's literally the only thing I've taught him to say in English. This is the first time it's actually fit

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Not mine, but I'm fascinated by anyone who can do a perfect run in Trials.

Modern Warfare 2's No Russian level. It's the first time playing a video game where I had to just pause and put my controller down for a few minutes and think about why I pressed the trigger when the others opened fire.

I don't get grossed out easily. So Kratos popping someone's head, i actually enjoy that.

The stuff that disturbes is is the stuff you don't actually get to see. When in fallout 3 you enter this one village, and the people are nice and friendly and all. A bit too friendly, and you go around and open a door you weren't

Creating a character in Oblivion. The horror.

Gore? Blood? That never disturbed me.

I love the Le Mans Classic.

Too much blue? No such thing. Also: three pedals.

Not a new car, but 2004-2006 GTOs could be had with an optional blue leather interior. Pontiac gave a pretty solid choice of color combos for paint and interior, including purple leather with the '04 Cosmos Purple GTO.


Explain this picture on this thread... NOW! please.

The 2013 Mopar dart had a blue and black leather interior. And the blue stripe on the outside also runs through the inside.

Now playing

Get ready for some indie-friendly gore, PS4 gamers. Sony just announced that Surgeon Simulator is coming to its current-gen console on August 12th. I wonder how the game's famously difficulty controls are going to work on the DualShock 4...

Next up: 3DO Unicron, Bumble Bee Gameboy, Intellivision Soundwave, Star Scream Virtual Boy, Dreamcast Rodimus Prime, Atari 2600 Devastator, Oculus Rift Perceptor, Grimlock Jaguar, Sega CD Smokescreen, NES Bruticus, Onslaught Advance, Piranacon Tiger Electronic Game (Ok, I'm stretching it with that one. I'll stop