
And then we’ll get Devilman.

This is the most optimistic take. Personally, I wanna see shapeshifting perfected instead of merely combined animal-human DNA.

tfw slowly you realize McLaren was the problem...

Kinda makes you think: had he stayed even just a year later in F2 or gotten in the hyperbolic time chamber, he’d actually be a Top 7-8 driver, a good complement to Massa, and someone that Williams can feasibly develop around.

Like, yes Lewis, Charles and Valtteri crashed, but even with all that it still seemed like too big a hole for Sebastian to dig himself out of. Guess not.

Hang on. Is it Van Time right now?

I know right? They nailed it.

Or Royal Enfields. Same difference.

Fuck it, sure.

No, no, fuck that. Make David build that beer company its delivery Jeep, and have every Jalopnik staffer chip in as mechanics. 10 weeks, $5k budget.

Now playing

Furie? Maria? Holy fucking hell, I watched them back-to-back and I adore them to bits. I’ve been all about them in conversations both on and offline but haven’t really found a way to see them all at once, but after a lucky binge weekend I preach these movies like they were gospel.

Photo got eaten, mate. I suggest you just link it. 

That’s too many. Way too many. And we probably wouldn’t even get an Ace Combat: Macross game, something I’m pretty sure exists but still wish to have.


I think I’ve seen the mockups on IG, and if that’s where they’re going externally...

That column of buttons in the interior BEG to be turned into switch gear.

I wish they were switch gear, though. You flip the covers and engage.