
That configurator is too much for my shitbox Aspire Z Celeron to take, but from the little I got: yellow, satin trident wheels, Z51, black/grey cloth bucket interior. I kinda wish I could get the Z51 without the wing, or at least a different sort or wing (not the high wing).

Turn 10 could announce it now, really.

Fuck me, that’s amazing.

Seriously it isn’t showing up in your comment at all.

THANK YOU!!! That’s brilliant!

Where is it? Are you supposed to show me something?

Quake should train Kamala Khan and Miles Morales.

OK here’s one that would be very useful as a cover shot.

QUICK! Shoop it in a Forza Motorsport 8 cover with a random Jalopnik quote and five star rating. Please? As soon as we get a hi-res picture here or elsewhere...

That’s because you’re the one driving the car, silly. Same shit would happen if I drove. No mortal can pop a lap like that—we need Superlicense carriers.

Now playing

So who’s insane enough to try making these two cars?

While we try to siphon off CO2 and methane emissions outta here, we’ll send out grappling hooks out in space to grab an asteroid and whip it away from us and towards...somewhere.

Jesus Christ what a late reply. 

AV Club folk: this or that new miniseries as a “definitive basic retelling of the Bible”?

Ayy fellow believer. Someday we’ll get an animated Alita and it would be...I dunno. But don’t fookin’ let JC Staff near that.

I could bunker down there with an electric cooker and food processor, pretty much just to live down there. Wait no, no I don’t.

Excellent choice!

Here’s the hierarchy:

Don’t drive it like you stole it. Drive it like it’s a press kit.

Think about it: we could have had Harris earlier in the show, while Clarkson, Hammond and May are around, and transitioned better instead of being the only review guy we like in the new show. Harris can goof around, likes old cars, but unlike Hammond, is competent, and unlike the other two, is young enough to race for