
Starred for referencing that scene from A River Runs Through It. There’s three things you aren’t late for in Montana: church, work, or fishing!

Newsom is running for governor at the moment, but almost certainly looking at 2024 and beyond.

I am of the humble opinion that weed complements fly fishing better than beer.

I learned how to roll cast this past summer and felt like a genius.

I love fly fishing! My dad, an avid fisherman of all stripes, taught me when I was six and has stood by his assessment that I was/am far better at it than the boys, my two older brothers. He contends that women are better because a) they listen to instruction, per the article, and b) successful fly fishing requires a

As an avid fly fisher(wo)man and American who agrees with Ken Burns’ assessment that the National Parks were our greatest idea, this pleases me.

It’s not just Anaheim. You can count almost all of South County, a smaller portion of North County, and a decent foothold in the IE. Obviously smaller than LA, but it’s not like it’s a backwater.

The OCR comment section (hell, the whole Register) is a cesspool of white tears.

I made a Trader Joe’s run with a co-worker today and we were chatting about how Lauer always seemed to take an asshole tone towards female coworkers and guests, and a random woman in the frozen food aisle pipes up with, “I’ve met him and he’s an ass in real life, too.”

Once country realized they could pull pop money by appealing to the masses, it was over. Which is a shame, because there’s always been a ton of talent, singing, instrumental, and songwriting, in the genre, but now it’s all “hey pretty girl in the bikini top and painted on cut-offs, come dance in the back of my truck

If “Aimee” is real, she’s an entitled cunt. I’m a gardener and I would absolutely notice one or two cut flowers that had been blooming happily the day before. Sunflowers are cheap as hell and available everywhere, ya cheap, thievin’ bitch.

You know, with a beard, the Cloud Botherer can get it.

Don’t forget Cock Everest!

I’m a simple woman, I see Chris Moore references, I hand out a star.

You can take the girl out of Orange County...

It’s literally that scene in My Family/Mi Familia where the middle brother is known as Billy, not Memo, to his white in-laws. (And then Edward James Olmos mentions el Californio buried out back in the cornfield.)

There are some (now broken) benches on top of a local hill that a local Boy Scout troop installed five years ago in order to attain Eagle Scout rank. Probably took them the better part of an afternoon and a jug of Country Time Lemonade, and they get to trade off of that achievement for the rest of their lives like it

Eagle Scouts are soft. Yeah, I said it. Some bitch ass Boy Scout troop collectively earned the highest Scouting honor for installing a couple ugly ass benches on top of a local hill. I’m guessing it took half an afternoon. I earned my Gold Award through 50 hours of dance instruction to an underfunded elementary

Y’know I had never heard that Colin Farrell was predatory, just that he fucked a lot of people and made no bones about wanting to fuck all the various beautiful people he was around. Never heard any rumors that he was coercive, just self-destructive

Obviously we’re just a bunch of godless liberal queers so thoughts and prayers don’t apply. (Much less actual aid.)