Those No Reservations were absolute brilliance.
Those No Reservations were absolute brilliance.
Kat has been garbage waaaaaaaaaaay before this revelation
how many times are we going to do this dance?
true. imagine being so bereft of an identity/personality that you build one around a goddamn fantasy movie.
That scene is so good that it doesn’t belong in Love Actually.
Dude, calm the fuck down. I don’t even know how you took this as a personal affront to type shit out about your life that frankly we don’t give a fuck about.
Great writing.
i love the red carpet roundups but the photo quality on the last few have been bad... like i feel like i have to squint to see details! i know you’re trying to fit a lot of pics on one page but please please compress them a little less so i dont have to go somewhere else for my red carpet rundowns!!! love y’all
I had no clue that “Chun-Li” was a Hit. Furthermore if it’s a nod to the Street Fighter mainstay, why are the backup dancers dressed like Raiden??
I have little doubt that this is how she considers herself. There is a certain type of Baby Boomer activist rampant in Berkeley, Oakland (and, I think, parts of Massachusetts) who sees herself as a righteous SJW while refusing to look at her own complicity in issues of race. Ever.
Hey there, white folks! Are you about to type up a comment on how you’re not one of those white people, you don’t have those thoughts, blah blah blah? Please don’t. Here’s the thing. If you’re a white person who grew up in America, there is absolutely no way that you’ve escaped the white supremacist ideology that’s…
Cocaine Elaine. Jesus, come on.
I was fully expecting a shot where like a branch suddenly fell off a tree, an eagle drops a fish out of the sky, a deer runs across the course and is chased and grabbed by an alligator, and lightning strikes the course after a freak microburst, and the ball misses them all just barely, and then stops just short of the…
I left the Evangelical tradition after the election of 45, when it became clear to me that nobody believed a damn word of the holy book they claimed to be central to their life. Still a Christian, but not Evangelical.
As a Mexicana its more like I’m tired of watching my folks shoot themselves in the proverbial vulva because of jesus reasons, but okay.
Straight up, white women are the problem. They’re overwhelmingly the single-issue voters on abortion who are willfully blind to the atrocities these legislators commit while paying lip service to the pro-life agenda (some of them are true believers).
It has a ton to do with sexism. Even if there were other factors involved, to deny that sexism played a role in how she was perceived is to be willfully ignorant.
+1 Bringing it back to sports.
Can I just say that I think Janelle has one of the most beautiful faces on earth.
It took me a while too. This is what got me on the Kit Harrington train: