That only works if no one saw the recession coming. That’s why 2009 was such a great time to buy a car or house. This time? Every company is preparing for a slowdown.
That only works if no one saw the recession coming. That’s why 2009 was such a great time to buy a car or house. This time? Every company is preparing for a slowdown.
We did cloth diapers for the first year. Probably spent about $200 on the various AIOs and AI2s. I would recommend this only if you have a washer with a disinfectant steam cycle in your house and not squeamish about touching poo because that toilet sprayer bidet is going to send poo drops everywhere.
I will never buy a crossover but now that I’m raising a toddler, I kind of get why some parents want a higher ride. Getting a toddler into a child seat is much easier when you don’t have to bend over to put them in. It’s no problem for me as I’m strong enough to do it, But I can see weaker people or people with bad…
If Toyota actually made a Supra it would probably have sold well.
I grew up 15 minutes away from Matawan. The town has improved a lot since my childhood but it is still a predominantly blue-collar, working class, racist as fuck town.
I had a recurring nightmare as a child where I was trapped in a greenhouse and was being chased by Ronald McDonald between rows and rows of tall plants. In every dream, I would wake up just as he popped up at the end of a row to catch me. Probably dreamed it once a month for 10 years.
Lol. What USC didn’t say: “99% of the kids we admit are RICH so this is no big deal.”
The casinos in Ct are some of the most depressing places on Earth. People missing teeth gambling away their rent money. I thought going there to gamble could not get any sadder, but I was apparently wrong.
You’re not shaming them if they remain anonymous.
If I were God, I would not be driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee.
The people in the audience (i.e. able to attend a daytime taping of a stupid TV show) would probably gasp at anything less than $80k.
Golfers are not athletes.
I see the ass of the Panamera. The front? Way too ugly to be linked to Porsche.
So, are fully autonomous cars supposed to be limited to the speed limit at all times? That alone would turn off a lot of users.
Left out: there is no gap in conservative cities because both white and black students read at 23%.
I’ll just assume you genuinely don’t understand and not some trolling asshole. I was referring to subprime loans- high risk, high rate made to someone with shit credit.
I have to laugh when someone sides with the BANKS. Did loans like this exist 30 years ago? (hint: no). What changed in 30 years? The general population? Or the banking regulations? (hint: its not the people).
I hope the guy holding up his hands is the owner and not a valet or something.
You can pat yourself on the back for being in the minority.