
Unless Subway corporate is absolutely jacking their franchisees, there is no way the cost of a sandwich comes anywhere near $3. Whatever hit they take on the promotion should be covered by the absolutely criminal margins they make on drinks and chips.

Trader Joe’s sells salmon jerky for $4 a pack. I think it’s like 4 oz.

Lol. They should come to my office. Pull one book off my desk, and 30 others will follow. I’m the only one who can touch it safely. The nightly cleaning staff have been instructed not to touch my desk.

It’s great to see a young child be able to express this, but at the same time, she needs to understand just how privileged she is. Not everyone has supportive parents, wealth, fame and a whole host of other advantages that eliminates the “tough times” that other kids face.

Is there a prize for having the worst, sloppy, poorly organized trunk? Cuz I could win that. It’s totally filled, but everything is criss-crossed, lots of negative space, and pulling out one thing pulls everything out.

I thought the franchise owners just pretended the machines were broken because they didn’t want to deal with cleaning them?

I think he meant that it’s good to see people being more fiscally responsible.

Oh shit, this is like 3rd grade all over again. 

So, dumb. Got it.

Are you rich or dumb, snowflake?

Without term limits, sure.

When rich people stop being selfish and dumb people stop being dumb.

Over the weekend I bought the vegan scallion cream cheese.

Yes to the Taycan, No to the Model S.

When I first started dating my wife, she was in her mid-20s, working as a receptionist, and barely keeping her head above water. I remember talking to her about finances and she told me that she had a balance on her credit cards. I asked her what rate she was paying, and her response was, “I don’t know, four or five

I’m potty training my kid right now, so if I want him to slink off and hide somewhere, I ask him if he wants to poo on the potty.

is onigiri the Japanese word for slushee?

You can’t just drop something like that without some details.

I would bet that the original owners of the Greek diner had dirt cheap rent and had locked down cheap renewal rates. And, their retirement probably coincided with the expiration of those rates.

She probably means sales tax. But yeah, if she’s paying income tax before R&D, that’s a big no no.