
Yup. I miss the days when you could differentiate a Jag from a BMW by just looking at the profile.

I’m guessing that drivers that prefer automatics also prefer the augmented sound. Makes no sense with a manual where you have more control over what your engine sounds like.

He’s trying to say it’s no big deal. I’m suggesting that BA is different because people die if the product is as bad as the employees say. I’m hoping that most companies that produce products that hold the lives of their customers in their hand do not typically talk about how unsafe their products are.

but do customers die if the product is bad?

That actually works against them. They don’t want people buying used. They want people leasing new. They just need to make them reliable enough that warranty costs aren’t too excessive.

My kid is 2 1/2 and he constantly surprises me with the things he says. I love it. He just started with the word “hey” the other week and it is cracking me up. His sentences now start with “Hey dad”. When he gets surprised he says “Oh hey!”

My wife is a fashion designer in NYC and EVERYONE she works with wears either loose fit, boyfriend, or a cropped straight fit. It’s still not popular (yet) among the people slower to adopt fashion trends, but it’s coming.

Wait a second, are you actually saying that Fancy Kristen does not like the fancy things she reviews?

Elevating streetwear prices to the level where only professional athletes can afford them? No shit that’s not going to last. 

If you divided sports by skill level, the highest skill levels would be dominated by cis-gendered males in almost all HS sports.

What’s higher- the hood or Torchinsky? 

You can actually see the photoshopping if you look closely enough.

No! Good technique dictates that you lick the side and bottom first to prevent dripping. Only then can you work the top.

Was not aware of that. Government regulation for the win!

“direct their elected representatives to prioritize other areas”

“to get to work” is the qualifier you’re leaving out. Roads are still needed for commerce (plus the fact that suburban neighborhoods aren’t going to go away). The elimination of rush hour traffic only leads to good things.

If we eliminated from the roads the people who NEED a car to get to work, and it was just people who LIKE to drive, driving would be a helluva lot better.

There are a lot of Buddhists who don’t eat meat. There are also a lot of asians who have high cholesterol. Even a small fraction of 1.3 billion people is going to be a lot.

I buy the Impossible meat and make burgers at home. Burgers were also the thing I missed the most after I stopped eating meat, and let me tell you, this stuff is a damn close facsimile.

This list is straight garbage. I’m looking at the top places in NYC and it’s a bar with small plates? The best restaurant in San Diego is fucking a schwarma place? In L.A. it’s a burger place?