
lol. You can’t write a comeback two days later Costanza!

I would subscribe to your newsletter.

I put my son in a headlock and when he opens his mouth to cry, I jam a toothbrush in there.

That’s not cheese. That’s cheese product.

The art looks good. The writing....

Again, it depends on battery tech. Instant torque is going to be a huge advantage for both sports cars and trucks. If there is a battery that can power an F-150 for 400 miles, that truck will make diesels obsolete. Overnight. And battery weight is also something that needs work, but if new battery tech lowers the

The EV transition all depends on battery tech. If someone develops a battery that has 400m range for a car that costs less than $30k, very few people are going to buy an ICE. Just from a practical standpoint, fewer moving parts = lower maintenance = cheaper long term costs.

A dentist who refers to himself as a Doctor?

What you mean, like a stupid fucking Fancy Kristen car review? David’s articles, ostensibly about wrenching, always reveal more about the human condition than just about anything else I’ve read on Jalopnik. 

That’s Nikki Minaj with the nose that she will eventually end up with.

It’s dead for most people, unless you also give a shitload to charity and have a lot of health problems. 

The title is a little misleading. This did not sound like it even came remotely close to breaking you. In fact, I would bet that this only increases the odds of you buying another car unseen.

Yeah, but why does the tech have to be from Deere? Do you have a problem with autoparts stores with code readers?

Never explain a joke! Let another commenter post the “Went over your head” gif.

You live in the U.S., yes? Arresting family members to get to the defendant is like, Option A for USADAs.

Just notarizing a document doesn’t solve all of the issues. What people need to do is actually consult a corporate attorney. Who is right and who is wrong here would be easily discernible if the two followed corporate formalities.

Wut. They are putting honey into a vegan drink? Why not just avoid that whole “Is honey vegan?” issue and use some other form of sweetener?

What? If the Fusion is profitable, which it looks like it is, then it is generating its own cash flow. Shutting it down *eliminates* cash flow. If there are other profitable revenue streams, Ford can easily borrow to fund them.

Honestly, if Iran were to target his offspring, I would be willing to call it even and shake hands.

The cashier was probably hitting on you, which is inappropriate. I would never have over someone who might possibly think it was something other than a platonic, friendly gesture.