
At least you had the foresight to buy food in advance. One Christmas, my brother and I waited until Christmas day to go buy food. We assumed that at least Chinese restaurants would be open. Nope.

We should publish their names so that when they eventually run for office, we can shame them.

At the time of the accident, there were several videos on youtube showing what it looks like to the naked eye. But even in my personal experience with my dash cam, I know that what is recorded is exaggerated. The next time you drive down a 4 lane highway at night, see if you can see things in the next lane. I know I

The only person who called corporations evil here....is you.

I’m not sure who is being more disingenuous here. The long-time Republican who just realized who the party served (duh, everything Reagan did made things perfectly clear) or the guy who thinks that rats running a maze have any real alternative. The only alternative to buying corporate-made commerce is to hunt for your

The video is deceptive in that the light was not as severe as portrayed. Anyone who films with night vision knows this. Videos from the time of the accident clearly demonstrated that the victim would have been readily visible if the driver had been looking. 

Why does that car look like it doesn’t have a Predator grill? That’s the only reason why I don’t ever consider Lexus.

What? No. You may not have heard of the people on the Teen Choice awards, but I guarantee you that most 12 year-olds have.

So, if this app is really successful, does that mean the food banks get less food?

It’s not your co-workers that most people are concerned with. It’s the bosses and supervisors who have a direct hand in advancing your career that make employees worry about fitting in with office culture.

There was a giveaway of some sorts, right? Like a free scone or something? Something to make me not lose the last bit of faith in man that I have?

Deep fry. There is no other way.

Deep fry. There is no other way.

Because it’s ugly. I drove a 97 Accord 5MT for 10 ten years. The Honda design language has been going in reverse since the mid-90s. 

Much richer. It’s also much better in tea according to my wife. We’ve made the switch to oat milk and have stopped buying almond milk altogether even though it is much more expensive.

What’s Hamilton Nolan’s take on this? I need to know.

Yup. The inability to get a manual family car that I want means that the next car I get will be an EV. Probably a Tesla but I will wait and see the whole lineup from VW.

No. For me, they put the baby of the woman sitting next to me in to the bassinet, which extended 50% into my seat space. For a 16 hr flight.

If Stone were smart, he would not appeal the verdict and wait for Drumpf to pardon him. If he’s stupid, he’ll appeal and possibly end up serving time if Drumpf loses next November.

Don’t forget about the bassinets, which screw into the bulkhead wall and which may encroach on your seat space. Not really an issue with most domestic flights but long international flights? It can be an issue.

My wife has a Margiela white puffer. It looks like she’s wearing a gigantic comforter. It keeps her warm even though she gets looks from everyone on the street.