I will never buy an AV but I would get one for my father who is too old to drive. Unfortunately, he can barely figure out his iPad. There is no way he could manage an AV.
I will never buy an AV but I would get one for my father who is too old to drive. Unfortunately, he can barely figure out his iPad. There is no way he could manage an AV.
I’m similar. I drove a hand-me-down Accord for 12 years. The reason I ponied up for a nicer car was not the bells and whistles but the improved collision and airbag features.
Retirement or 529? I put in about $20k a year for the 529 which I figure might be enough for college when he’s 18 (he’s 2). He’s all on his own for retirement though.
I guess it all depends on whether you can live with the consequences of your decision. I don’t want to be a burden to my son in any way, so given the unknowns, I’d rather spend conservatively and give up some fun along the way.
International Hotel of Pancakes would be awesome if they built the entire thing out of pancakes. Like that ice hotel. But pancake.
The vast majority of people in this country don’t save enough for retirement. It’s something like 75-80%. They will literally run out of money before they die. It’s the retirement savings that really should dictate what kind of car a person can drive.
Maybe the kid manages portfolios for 401K accounts and your retirement savings paid for his car.
it is, perhaps, the reason she is able to write for teen audiences.
Debit cards are included in the credit card data cited above.
My wife even makes her crust from scratch.
There are so many delays at Penn theses days that it’s a total crapshoot. Nothing tops my gf missing her flight even though she was at Penn Station 3 hours before her flight. Two canceled trains and her Airtrain got stuck.
If you have kids or large suitcases, the LIRR/Airtrain is a fucking nightmare. Same with the subway.
You know, I know, and the mother in this story knows that no one is going to kick a family out because a kid stands up to stretch or goes to the bathroom.
Most people who drink coffee at Starbucks don’t really like coffee. What they like is sugar and cream with a tinge of coffee flavor.
It’s a good excuse to tell your kids Santa isn’t real.
Audi. Just the pads. I need to look at the written estimate to see how it breaks down...
So, my dealer quoted me $700 for the front pads. Am I getting ripped off here?
My wife and I were on our honeymoon in Kauai a couple of years ago. After getting dinner, we were driving back to our hotel when we saw two women hitchhiking on the side of the road. It was raining, around 9 pm, and there were virtually no people around. My wife insisted that we stop for them.
I’ve got you beat. I was the second seat in in the bulkhead row on a 16 hr flight. The aisle seat was a grandmother who was taking her infant grandson to China. The infant was in a bassinet that extended almost half into the space in front of me. I had skipped sleep the night before just so I could sleep on the…
Just got a sample. They give you 1/4 of a sandwich. Review? It’s a fucking salt bomb. I actually had a Beyond Burger last night so I know exactly what a reasonably seasoned Beyond patty tastes like, and DD just salted the shit out of it.