
There are plenty of stores with a great cheese selection in NYC. And the variety is not limited to domestic either- very good European choices.  And if you know the cheese monger, you can even get unpasteurized stuff. You may pity us for the prices we pay, but that’s about it.

Out of the hands of a private equity fund? Nah, no chance. Vultures like that won’t exit without a significant ROI. It’s that or total loss. I think total loss is the play here.

Does the dog know his name is Pretzelcoatl?

If Petchesky were to start a GoFundMe for NotSportsSpin or some other similarly named website, I would kick in $50.

Wait, people have kids who listen to them? If I told my kid he would not want to eat something because it’s too spicy, he would still put it in his mouth.

Attachment theory is just a theory, and it doesn’t hold true all of the time. Some kids are more resilient than others. You’re not sentencing your kid to anything because of your behavior.

The guy was wearing runner’s tights. That makes this video pretty sporty.

“Wear whatever makes you feel stupid”

I sat down in a seat at the start of a 6 hour flight and the couple next to me starting to peel hardboiled eggs.

No, we also talked about the long term thing. He was talking about getting the full range each time.

The latter. He said that there is no way you would get 250 if you drovethe Model 3 aggressively, but you get most of the 215 from the eTron no matter how you drove.

Yeah, he told me he real-world tested the car several times and it was around 215. 

So, I was at an Audi dealer this weekend looking at the eTron and the sales guy keeps telling me that the range (215 mi) is far better than the 250 range for the Model 3 because the range doesn’t deteriorate as fast. He said that the Model 3's range starts plummeting the minute you start driving hard, whereas the

It’s pretty refreshing to see an athlete admit that he didn’t call it off the glass.

I think Conan the Barbarian’s opinion on what matters most in life sounded more human:

Oh, it’s far, far more reasonable up near Saratoga Springs. You would definitely spend less to own, so long as:

So mumble rap is moving into mumble-vocal-fry pop songs?

I’ve gotten quotes for $7k to insulate the walls. Home ownership is far more expensive than renting, fyi. I moved out of NYC to save on housing and now I’m spending more per month.

You don’t have a fake email account set up just for this kind of thing? I have 3 of them.

Yeah, that’s how I was raised. My parents were sort-of poor so the thermostat was set at 60. 55 at night. On really cold nights they would break out the kerosene heaters for the living room.