
I used to park my car on the street in NYC. I can assure you that total strangers will fuck with your shit without you having done a thing.

Exactly. Uber black and Four Seasons.

This is not for the rich. This is for limo drivers and companies that want to serve the rich.

He used an AARP-15.

Jesus Christ, this again. As I explained to the other guy who tried to project onto what I wrote, I was responding to a comment from someone who claimed that taxes did not go up. My taxes went up because of what Drumpf did.  I stated facts. If you want to interpret that as a complaint, go ahead. The $4k I paid more in

I don’t see where you get that I don’t pay my fair share or want to pay my fair share.

Yeah, but I’m going to eat 6 of them at a time.

Great story. He’s like a violent Penn & Teller. I hope he and you don’t suffer too much because of this story.

I most definitely want to try this but the amount of butter and sugar just scares me. Will there be any ill effects if I cut down the sugar or butter? Or used a little agave in place of some of the sugar? If so, I’ll still make them but maybe once a year rather than every month.

This video makes me want to buy a fucking farm. As a kid, I would have done all the chores in the world to have that in my backyard.

I pay more than the median income of the U.S. in taxes. I pay more than my fair share.

Oil money fucks up everything. 

Right now it’s probably 1% because I paid cash for my car 9 years ago. However, my wife wants an EV and I could swing a Tesla and stay under 10% of gross. But that’s a fucking non starter for me. No way am I paying 10% of gross for a car. I don’t even want to spend 5. I’m just hoping I can hold her off until VW comes

What did you buy? An A6?

I agree to an extent, but I think it’s more about social media than reality TV. Now that everyone posts the things they do, have and want online for everyone to see, the desire to impress gets magnified.

That’s right. All the legal minds on the Supreme Court are all stupid and wrong and you, the great Jurasskick, is far superior because you fell hook, line and sinker for what some nut on the Internet says.

What’s not mentioned is that even with the price increases, vodka is still cheaper than bottled water.

How great they are. Because I would have had kids much earlier in life if I had known how much I like being a father.

How do you think most welfare programs are funded? With federal tax dollars. What about SSI? Federal tax dollars. FEMA? Federal tax dollars. You don’t think people in natural disasters should get any aid because of your interpretation of the Constitution? LOL. What are you even talking about?

You know your nieces and nephews have blocked you on Facebook right?