
I have not seen any data that suggests that Alabama sends more money to the federal government than it gets back. In fact, most data I’ve seen suggests that Alabama is usually in the top 10 when examining federal dollars spent per capita.

1. Tax rates were lowered but when your deductions get lowered, you may end up paying more. I paid $4k more in federal taxes last year than the year before.

Wow, you sure spent a lot of time demonstrating how you have bad reading comprehension.

Read what I wrote. I was responding to the guy who said that taxes were not going up. I was explaining why taxes were going up for a lot us. Nowhere do I say that I want the local tax to go down.

If you’re in the upper 1%, the AMT mostly eliminates whatever reduction in taxes you get from deductions, so his cronies weren’t really affected. It’s the middle class and upper middle class folks that got hosed.

I don’t mind paying higher taxes to ensure that good teachers get paid a living wage. I knew what my taxes would be when I bought my house. I’m not asking to lower them.

Other than on Deadspin, I have no idea what Rovell writes or says. Where does he even work these days? Cilliza is at least on a network that I occasionally watch.

My property taxes go up about $1k a year and thanks to Donny Boy I can’t deduct it anymore. So, for a lot of people, taxes are going up.

During the last recession, there were a lot of stories in the papers about people who were hit hard. The story that I most remember was some guy who was leasing a Lexus for $1k a month, then lost his job and lost both the car and his apartment within a few months.

You know it was 15% on the pre-tax.

Your username checks out. Cholesterol is only found in animal by-products. There is no cholesterol in a purely plant based burger.

Yeah, it’s one of the problems with eating at a place where they scoop food out of tins. But I’ve had burritos made just after they dumped freshly cooked food into the tins, and the cheese definitely melted.

That is disgusting. Of all the foods that might be contaminated, popcorn is among the WORST! You eat it with your hands, you lick you fingers, you plow that hand back into the bucket, you definitely touch kernels that you don’t end up grabbing. You consumed a slurry of artificial butter and strangers’ saliva.

Yeah, as long as there is a price premium, the general public will not adopt them en masse. The niche that it will fill is for vegetarians and people with high cholesterol to get their burger fix.

It takes time for the cheese to melt, the rice to absorb the various juices, and I’m assuming, the guac and sour cream to warm up.

Bruce Mann, on the surface, is the kind of professor you would expect at an elite law school: Waspy as hell, reserved, brutal with the Socratic method, very dry sense of humor. What is not typical is that he truly cares about his students. He was one of the best professors I’ve ever had, even though it took me months

Even in photos the dang thing looks like photoshop done poorly.

Maybe the office workers taking the M34 are particularly honest. But every time I rode the M14, a lot of people that I observed never inserted anything into the machines. And rode the M14 quite a bit after I broke my leg.

That stat about ridership dropping 27% is bullshit. The M14 is still very popular- the thing is a lot of people don’t pay for their ride anymore. They stopped collecting fares on the bus in order to save time. You now pay for the bus at the bus stop and the machine gives you a little paper receipt. The thing is, the

Has that changed in the last 15 years? Because that’s when I graduated, and I had to pony up quite a bit of money through loans because my parents were poor.