
I don’t think ON is denying that they brought in workers from other stores. Their explanation seems to be that the people brought in were “dressing” for the store, i.e. pretending to work there on camera, while the regular employees were supposed to continue working off-camera. Which would be perfectly fine and

I hope to god that the sledgehammer was not used on that child. OMG it makes me sick at the thought.

I’ve never bought into the concept of sex as a reward in a marriage. Like, people who joke that they will get “lucky” on Valentine’s Day or guys who want to make “Steak and BJ Day” a thing. Sex should be something that both partners want and it shouldn’t viewed as a treat. It’s a part of a healthy relationship.

But which Tesla owner would prefer to take their car to a non-authorized Tesla repair shop?

There are readers in the U.K. you know. And readers in the U.S. who travel to the U.K. a lot. Letting them know that major disruptions are coming there way is helpful lifestyle advice.

I’m surprised insurance companies have not jumped on this and refused to insure/hiked rates on these people. 

If it saves the company $10 per seat belt, and there are no regulations that require it, that’s what’s going to happen. That’s how free markets work.

Yeah, I doubt that Parental Preparation would work. I tutored inner city high school students for years and lack of family support was more common than not. And the students I tutored were self-selected students who volunteered to come to school on Saturdays, i.e., motivated. And if I asked them to get their parents

Lol. That category makes me sweat every time it comes up on Jeopardy.

I would bet that most kickers on NFL teams right now could kick 70 yd field goals during practice.

What are you feeding your kid? My 2 year old weighs 25 lbs and might be 27 in six months.

I ate one at a small town BK in upstate NY and after the first bite, I had to closely examine the patty to make sure the locals weren’t just fucking with the tourist by serving a real Whopper in place of the Impossible one. The taste and mouthfeel is that close. 

Yeah, nothing says equality like coming on a woman’s face.

Is this why I keep getting one ring calls that then get sent to voicemail? Or am I getting those scam calls that try to get you to call back? Either way, it’s still annoying.

Are you having a hard time distinguishing between a reporter and his corporate overlord? No one is saying that ESPN can’t take money from NFL sponsors or the NFL. The only issue is with the actual reporter.

Yeah, it’s not a total victory because GMG did not get legal fees. This was a frivolous suit from the start and there should have been sanctions against the stupid plaintiff’s attorneys.

There are a bunch of Kansas tweens who became hard-core baseball fans because of the WS win in 2015, who will go on to suffer in silence for 30 years waiting for it to happen again.

Is a 17 year age gap significant if the two people are over the age of, say, 30? At some point, an age gap is meaningless when the two people are both mature adults.

In a couple of years, it’ll be any manual car.

Welcome to middle age. I used to know the names and stats for multiple players on multiple teams just by watching 2-3 games a week as a teen. I still consider myself a Mets fan but haven’t watched a game in 2 years, which coincides with when my son was born.