I used to think that the Native American thing would sink her. Now I’m not so sure. I doubt Trump would actually call her a name to her face. He’s too cowardly for that.
I used to think that the Native American thing would sink her. Now I’m not so sure. I doubt Trump would actually call her a name to her face. He’s too cowardly for that.
The thing about Costco is that the prices are not that much cheaper. It’s really a convenience thing- getting everything you want at a somewhat discount price. The Chinese people who think they are getting bargains are bad bargain hunters.
My town is a commuter suburb of NYC and houses are turning over like crazy. The common theme is this: kids. Parents living in Brooklyn and Manhattan are realizing just how expensive it is to raise a kid in the city, especially if the kids don’t get into the school they want. Everyone is in their early to mid 30s.
I’ve known life isn’t fair for a long time, but it’s really driven home when a guy with a medieval bowl cut is still 5x more attractive than me on my best day.
Right, you cannot pin the blame on the NBA for Cleaves getting away with rape. It’s Michigan State, the NCAA and the fans in the Big 10 who are to blame. Seriously, out in the midwest Big 10 basketball is about as big as sports can get, and Cleaves was a kingmaker because he won them a national championship.
I’m one of those rare people who has both a dog and a toddler who doesn’t post on social media. But the other day a friend of mine asked me to send his a picture of my kid so I sent him one where my kid was eating in the nude. It’s an adorable picture that my kid will absolutely hate in 10 years.
You are kind of stupid.
Can someone buy and wear one ofher leggings and also kneel for the national anthem? That’s the freedom I want to see!
Really touching short even though I suspected he was packing for his dad’s funeral right from the beginning. Being a new father, I’m always thinking of the things I want to teach my son, and hoping I’ll be around to do it.
Assuming you are unaffected (that’s a big if tho), buying during a recession is great. I helped a co-worker negotiate a new car purchase back in 2009 and it was insane how much we got off dealer invoice. We countered the salesguy’s first offer with a figure $4K less and we ended up buying not far from there.
I don’t know about removal because I kept my tires but it included everything else.
I just did it. I bought 4 Michelins at Tire Rack, had them shipped to my house, and hired a mobile installer for $25 a wheel. All in, it was $300 cheaper than what my dealer quoted me for Pirelli tires that weren’t as good, and about the same as Costco.
“I think it illustrates the fact that liberals love federalism, sometimes.”
No, Ca is really unique. There is a reason L.A. used to be covered in smog: mountains prevented exhaust from moving west. That was a thing 30 years ago that has virtually disappeared because of Ca’s higher standards.
Is there a single person in NYC under the age of 80 who doesn’t think Cindy Adams is a complete embarrassment?
Outside of the Research Triangle and Asheville, you’d be hard-pressed to come across a Democrat. The coastal areas are hard-core Republican.
They can’t afford their car, but they can still afford to send her to study abroad? Such fucking assholes.
Typical librul thinking. Even though wages have not grown in 40 years, people adapted by having both parents work. The obvious next step is to eliminate child labor laws.
This man speaks like he has the intellect of a 6 year old. Its incredible.
If my AC were set at 72, my electricity bill would be $600. I set it at 78 this summer, and turned the AC off when I wasn’t home, and my bill was $250 last month. And I live in NJ.