
The info for the study is based on insurance applications, which typically only ask if you’ve had a ticket in the last 5 years. The study doesn’t make this clear tho.

Lol, the guy didn’t even read the article he linked. If he did, he would have read that the rate of growth is similar to when Obama was president, and that some economists even attribute the rise to minimum wage requirements.

15 years ago I was in Tulum when their power grid was so primitive that all lights went out at 10 pm. It was the most impressive sky I’d ever seen. Last year, my wife went there and apparently the lights did not go out at 10. Shame. Still better than here in the U.S., but it was not the transformative view I told her

The best thing Hooters sells is their grilled cheese. The wings are an abomination and should just be called fried chicken.

Wait, a woman in her 80s smacked you in the head?

That will be my son’s next phrase. I’m certain of it.

After my wife gave birth two years ago, I’ve tried to stop cursing. Why? because my son’s first uttered phrase was Oh Shit. He went from ma, ba to oh shit. It doesn’t even bother me that much, but my wife is mortified when we’re out at a store and he starts saying Oh shit when he sees something out of place. Litter?

Mason Nathan does not rhyme with Jason Statham.

You just jumped from the frying pan into the fire. I can’t even imagine what it must be like to be an associate with a kid. I actually have no memories of my life in my late 20s because every waking moment was spent in my office or drunk. I hope you are not looking for a BigLaw job because that is worse than any tech

You haven’t seen Top Gun? Goose is Tom Cruise’s dog. He threw the dog’s tag overboard while playing fetch.

Glaude pointed out that Trump is a manifestation of our collective faults. That’s pretty insulting.

Jesus. Watching that again makes me twitch. Break your wrist, man!

Are you sure he’s not dyslexic?

every time I see a bad throwing motion, I think of Tom Cruise throwing Goose’s dog tag off the deck at the end of Top Gun.

Lol. My wife works in fashion. She was fired a few days before she told her boss she was pregnant, but the signs had been pretty obvious. We did not sue because fashion is a very small world and her employer was a big name.

Wish they were currently residing in the “Where are they now?” file

One of my friends growing up was 1 of 7 kids. They had one car- a Corvette. If you want it badly enough, you can make it happen!

Yeah, throwing bananas in Italy is practically a national sport.

No mention of d-galactose? Not that it has been proven, but I think enough questions have been raised about the premature aging that may be caused by drinking milk that it at least warrants a mention of the BMJ study.

LOL at the clips playing while Melo is talking.