They are more akin to eating a medium burger in terms of texture and taste.
They are more akin to eating a medium burger in terms of texture and taste.
This is the problem with internet retailing. The virtually unlimited ability to hold stock means that companies can continue to sell product long after its debut. It’s not that big a problem with fashion because the worst thing that happens is you buy something from 4 seasons ago. But with make-up, food, toiletries,…
Unfortunately, he’ll be able to block you after he is out of office. Otherwise, that plan would be genius.
When an angry retiree wants to write a letter to the editor, they’re going to drop it off at the pizza place. Mike at the counter ain’t got time for that.
Have you ever, you know, used both the microwave and oven? Like, put the dinner in the microwave for 3/4 of the recommended time, and then finish it off in the oven?
Might not have been a hall monitor type. If I had stopped my car to get a beer and found out it was root beer instead, I might have called the cops too.
Holy shit, that is insane. Raise the armrest so that you get even less space? That’s a big no from me. I don’t need the armrests for my arms. I need them to separate me from the person next to me.
I don’t care if someone takes off their shoes as long as their feet remain on the ground. But I don’t want to see your fucking foot on the back of the armrest in front.
Show me a MAGA voter cheering on a black athlete and I’ll show you a fan who doesn’t think it’s racist to call a black man “boy.”
The fact that the pizza is made fresh puts Blaze above almost every mom and pop strip mall place that reheats congealed pizza slices. Their crust is not great but not as bad as Dominos.
On a related note, don’t forget about your shoes. I once made the mistake of wearing a pair of perfect fitting leather shoes on a flight. They were incredibly tight by the time we landed. It was only temporary discomfort but something I’ve avoided ever since.
Agree. For almost every person in the world, the number of failed relationships outnumber the successful ones. For escapist entertainment, it makes more sense for the “escape” to be an actual escape from our realities.
I am always puzzled by responses like yours. Rather than find fault with a corporation that is placing an additional burden on customers because they know they can make an extra few bucks, you side with them. Why not side with customers?
Companies love customers like you who think an extra few bucks for something is not a big deal. In fact, they count on it.
Movies like this are a dilemma for me. On the one hand, I want to see it because it looks well-done. On the other, I know I will bawl like a 2 year-old and I don’t like doing that in public.
Exploiting your gender to be able to go after female victim/complainants more aggressively is not something to be proud of. I literally lol’d at your “defending the rule of law” line. It is such utter garbage when you’re dealing with he said/she said cases and the main issue is whose version of facts is to be believed.
So, nothing a little duct tape and Rustoleum can’t fix.
Seriously. I thought Space Force could not be topped.
Cold Stone sucks ass. All that candy just disguises the fact that the ice cream is low quality filler bullshit and people lap it up.