
This man is not going to live to see his trial.

The people being rounded up are people who already have deportation orders entered against them. They will not be detained in the concentration camps. They will be on a plane to their home country within days.

Tennis. U.S. Open purses are the same.

The weird thing for me is that I watched out for most of these red flags and dumped the person the minute I saw too many of them. After a few years of dating, my dating history looked really bad- I broke up with every girl I dated (probably around 8 or 9) after just a couple of months.

Are you responding to me or mixedbreed?

You’re making an argument no one is making. No one would argue that a speedo does not violate the dress code, even in its current ambiguous form. What the woman here was wearing, which is the equivalent of a pair of shorts and a halter top, also likely does not violate the dress code in any way. Unless you’re saying

Wait, you need to dress up at Ruth’s Chris?

In the winter, that probably drops to 120-150 miles. I used to drive out of NYC most weekends to go skiing and that would barely get me to the mountain.

It is stupid to think that a limited range EV is for city dwellers. City dwellers don’t use cars to drive around the city- they use them to get OUT of the city. And limited range is a bad selling point. That Mini is DOA.


I would not hold my breath. I was raised in Monmouth County (where the attack occurred) and it’s a conservative stronghold in NJ. Many, if not a majority, of the adults there probably think like that judge. 

Mario Kart N64

Almost every couple I’ve met that has moved to my suburban NJ town is from Brooklyn or Manhattan. Houses here run about $700-800K so they are not saving any real money (as you pointed out) for regular living expenses. But every single couple has a young toddler or school age kid who did not get into the school of

I’m doing this now with my not-yet 2 year old. He pees on the potty pretty much every time we set him down. It’s the poops that are hard to come by.

The surge fares- new and old- always screw the riders. That’s remained a constant. What’s new is that the drivers are losing out on their share, and now some of them are like, “It’s screwing the riders!”

So, you favor a punishment that only rich people can do? That enables her to avoid jail time?

what...what am I watching here....?

You have to kind of understand how legal opinions work. In this case, the Court decided not to address the legality of the law- they relied on an alternative legal theory. Net result: defendant loses under the facts of the case. But it does not mean that the law has been found to be Constitutional-the next guy who

As someone who is re-doing their house bit by bit, this is the shit I need. Also, Maggie and Pete are not pretentious at all but let’s not kid ourselves- their house is as expensive as any of the gauche over the top stuff you see on Cribs. Custom work like they have is expensive as fuck.

You actually have it backwards. The Court does not address the legality of implied consent laws (Wisconsin’s law). They are addressing the facts of this case: can cops draw blood from an unconscious driver suspected of dui. And they say “sure! we are expanding an exception to the Fourth Amenment to justify that.”