
I can’t believe I have to wait until 2020 to get a new phone, and even then, there’s no guarantee I’ll even buy it if the size is increased.


“One of Trump’s strengths is that he holds great suspicion of the big banks and big business.”

I was referring to the people who sneer at the drivers who complain about low earnings by saying that driving for uber was never meant to be a full-time job.

Is anyone still going to insist that uber thinks its drivers should be part time contractors, as opposed to the reality that they are full-time workers?

I was with you until “Pizza with egg.”

That horn is going to cause an accident. You’re going to use it on some jackass who cuts you off and they are going to run off the road.

There is no such thing as a neutral kitchen. Everything is a trend. We just bought a house with a late 90s kitchen- medium brown cabinets, granite countertops, copper sink, light brown tile floor. It is dated as fuck. But we know that a white kitchen will also be dated in 10 years. 

I wish I could say that this is really rare, but I have seen dogs in restaurants where the average entree runs in the $30 range on more than one occasion. Every single time, it was an old lady with a tiny dog.

And then that motherfucker started talking about me behind my back in that fucking book he wrote. After I paid him all that money...

Hank Haney fucked up Tiger Woods’ swing (and back) and probably prevented him from winning 5 or 6 majors. The only reason Woods won any majors while Haney was his coach was because of his putting.

My toddler, stuck in a rear-facing seat for the next two years, pukes easily half the time (tho, mostly when my wife drives. dunno why). If they ever figure out a device that cures it, it will be a fucking goldmine regardless of whether autonomous cars ever come about.

The reason there were 14/26 water drinkers is because she was hosting a tasting and most of the food money was going to the food providers.

“design language?”

because it would be 1000 degrees in there and the AC bill would be huge.

That’s the joke.

It depends.

This is the only post here that seems to recognize the parallels between incel men and women who suffer from body dysmorphia. The addition of misogyny doesn’t make it any different- it just shows that men face different pressures.

You might say . . . it’s beyond the pale.

There is no way this is the first time they changed the recipe in 40 years.