It’s a great way to rack up credit card points tho. My brother once rented a place that accepted credit cards and he was able to fly to Europe for free basically.
It’s a great way to rack up credit card points tho. My brother once rented a place that accepted credit cards and he was able to fly to Europe for free basically.
“.... gazing at beautiful wildlife as the sun rose over the mountains.”
Same. My wife bakes her pies from scratch, including the crust, based on her southern grandma’s recipes and people rave about them. I have never taken a bite.
That’s not really how corporations work. They are cheap when it comes to little things that REPEAT. Like, trying to save a few thousand dollars by laying off one employee per store seems cheap, but they have thousands of stores. This is a one-off $10k, which is a rounding error in their daily expenses. They may have…
Cut me some slack, Jack! Chump don’ want no help, chump don’t GET da’ help!
Nope nope nope. Audi 6DCT is garbage. Every time I’ve had a loaner, it’s been shit. It’s much better than the CVT which was complete horseshit but still can’t compare to MT.
No, there is no way I could save what I’m saving if I earned 1/3 my income, even assuming 1/3 cost of living.
Men who were not raised with a certain religious outlook or who outright rejected it, are typically the men who don’t want to restrict abortion.
They could be. But I live pretty frugally and probably save more money each year than what 90% of the people in Ohio make a year. Just saying.
Believe me, if I could telecommute, it would have happened yesterday.
But why did you criticize me and not the OP who made the initial statement that she did not have an epidural and wanted women to be less fearful of it? That’s what I’m asking. She made the point. I was just backing it up.
His father was his trainer? Then he’s at least half as culpable as ROC Nation, if not more because he probably pushed his son into the sport.
I can’t speak for everyone but most people I know who live in NYC moved here because of job opportunities and potential to make high six and seven figure salaries. I know that my income would be 1/3 of what it is now if I moved to Ohio.
breaking the color barrier in sports is major, but blacks being killed by cops is a trivial, inconsequential thing.
Why are you criticizing me when I was just offering support to the OP who just wrote the same exact thing? Because I’m a guy?
You should stop projecting or whatever the fuck you are trying to do. I was responding to the OP who wrote about not having an epidural and wished that others weren’t so afraid of it. Because my wife went through the same thing, and also noticed how virtually everyone responded with fear upon hearing about it, my…
So, where are all the “nanny-state” Republicans screaming about too much government regulation?
My wife did not have an epidural. She’s the only one among all of our friends, and the usual response upon hearing this was “You’re crazy.”
Middle school for me was grades 4-6. That seems a bit young for one of the fluids.
Exactly. Ichiro could have made that throw in his 30s.