
“From there I drove into Manhattan and approached the Holland Tunnel to go home to Brooklyn.”

My wife, with old family roots in Texas, makes a chess pie at Thanksgiving every year. On the Thanksgivings that we spend with my family, she is the only one who eats it.

What? I’ve been parking on 20th-22nd btw 7th and 9th for 7 years. Never seen it. When did you first start seeing it?

The price of rides will be lower than current prices. Many of the full-time drivers will quit. Service will be provided by more part-time drivers  who can afford to make a little less daily but take advantage when there is surge pricing.

Right? Like, maybe Kevin Costner from Silverado might have worked. But a gruff-voiced old man Costner? Who thought that would be a good idea?

Kevin Costner as the voice of a cute dog.

The price of rides will go down. There will be drivers who will try to get all the rides they can at a lower price, forcing others to compete.

If this were implemented (e.g. uber can only set the price the driver must pay uber, but not the price the rider pays the driver), the result will be that the cost of rides will go DOWN. There will always be a driver who thinks he can make it up on volume.

So what’s the nutritional information on the new meatless stuff? Just how much healthier, if at all, is it? I’ve been chowing down on the White Castle Impossible sliders but it would be even better if it were a little healthier for me.

You play to your expected audience. Cole Haan is still considered quality shoes in the Midwest. They are garbage to those who know (sadly, they were once great) but even still, the look is better than khakis with running shoes.

I judged potential dates on looks/appearance/intelligence but never on material things. Clothes, shoes, car, living arrangement, etc were all irrelevant to me.

My wife didn’t own a car when we met, but her previous car had been a manual. Score! Fast forward to today: married with a kid. My previously immaculate manual A4 has her food wrappers, baby puke and god knows what other stains all over it (she mainly drives it, I take mass transit to work). I’ve asked her not to eat

If she thinks abortion is murder, does she also support no exceptions in even in cases of rape or incest?

I think part of the time savings comes from the customer end- they will spend less time looking at a giant menu. The last time I went through a drive through (White Castle), I was blown away at how complex it was. Took me a few minutes to decide.

Cuomo runs the subway. DeBlasio is a tool, but not in this area.

This is affirmative action based on economic inequality. The vast majority of beneficiaries will be POC, notwithstanding their example of a white girl from Mississippi. Why is this a bad thing?

But people making more than that range are eating out less, so it’s not as simple as have more, spend more. 

This is something that I think a lot of people don’t realize: when/if uber and other rideshares start offering autonomous rides, they will likely be forced to drive the speed limit. I sure as fuck do not want a taxi that drives the speed limit.

The poor housekeepers. Fucking tip them!

Calculating your net worth by including short term trends in your investment portfolio is not ideal. There’s no point in saying that your net worth increased by $27k when part of that gain is from the stock market because it can easily go down by a significant amount, even if you are properly diversified (see 2008).