A bar is only liable to an innocent victim of a drunk driver under DRAM shop laws. The drunk driver is typically excluded from being able to sue.
A bar is only liable to an innocent victim of a drunk driver under DRAM shop laws. The drunk driver is typically excluded from being able to sue.
Shh. You’re ruining his Big Gubment tirade.
Well, you’re not supposed to spray Round-up on your body either. The exposure for the plaintiffs was presumably a tiny amount on their hand or a spray from the wind. I think dousing an executive would be sort of equivalent.
No one is saying its safe to drink, not even Monsanto/Bayer. They are saying it does not cause cancer if exposed externally. So, an equivalent test should be spraying a Monsanto executive with Round-up in front of the jury.
Let’s not go overboard here. They’re future “Dads who get into fights at Little League games.” Or maybe “Dads who try to fuck the babysitter.”
What a stupid old fuck. Old politician imposes personal opinion on everyone in the state. Glad I will never set foot in Arkansas.
uber now has around $60B that it can use to borrow money. Granted, the stock price may still keep falling but it will still have tens of billions. It doesn’t need VC money.
I’ve never watched wrestling but in terms of its popularity as a cultural reference, it has to be way down. I could name the most popular wrestlers, even 10 years ago, but I couldn’t name one single wrestler right now. What are the odds that a wrestler will be on the Simpsons? Or do a guest appearance on a popular TV…
But a DD franchise owner is not considered a customer of DD corporate. They are considered agents of the corporation. This is a bad analogy.
Uber lease rates were typically 3x the rates for a normal lease. It would make no financial sense to lease a car to just drive part time.
So the point is that Uber expected drivers to work full time because that was the only way to justify its lease program that charged drivers hundreds of dollars a week to lease a car.
No SEC violation. This sounds like an asset sale which is not overseen by the SEC.
Are the kind of person who sides with every corporation that manages to get people to sign away their rights? Oh, you didn’t see in the fine print that your insurance excludes doctors whose last name begins with M? Too bad- not covered!
But you’re assuming that everyone is like you with similar capabilities. Finding work in a trade is not that easy- unions limit their apprentice numbers for a reason, and not everyone knows someone who would otherwise train them. Just saying “Get a trade job like me!” is akin to me saying “Just get a law degree like…
uber started off as a true ride-share company- as in, driver going from point A to point B, hooks up with random passenger on uber, and the ride is free or there is a tip. I know this because I was one of the first people who signed up for uber. At some point they pivoted to being a taxi company. And when they grew…
Jesus. A 19 year-old working a minimum wage job is defending corporate exploitation. A 40 year-old corporate attorney whose clients are all corporations is defending workers trapped in low wage jobs.
I don’t understand why you can’t understand what I’m saying.
I hate when that happens.
I think the Pope and I have a different mower than what you are referring to. When I say manual, I mean it has no motor and consists of just spinning blades that move when it is pushed.
You would have an argument if Uber didn’t dictate the rates. A true facilitator would just bring the customer together with the worker and let them work out the rate.