I’ll just say it one more time. Uber had a lease program that allowed drivers to lease cars with NO mileage limit. Uber knew from the very start that its drivers would be full time and that’s why they offered a lease with no mileage limit.
I’ll just say it one more time. Uber had a lease program that allowed drivers to lease cars with NO mileage limit. Uber knew from the very start that its drivers would be full time and that’s why they offered a lease with no mileage limit.
Yeah, no. There was no mileage limit on the UberX lease. But you apparently never let facts get in the way of your argument.
Whenever someone says stuff like that, I just have to wonder- why do people side with corporations over people so often? Do you tell auto workers they’re fucking stupid for not looking for a non-manufacturing job? You think video game animators are stupid because they get laid off after every game gets released?…
You sound like a guy who likes to punch down. Good for you.
Right. Uber started a leasing program for new cars with the expectation that people would just drive them part time?
GTFOH. You think Uber started a car leasing program just so people can drive part time? If you take corporate speak at face value, you are a tool.
You make it sound like the drivers are working for a couple of hours a day and expect that to provide a living wage. They are probably driving 12 hours a day. Why would that be considered a side gig? Are taxi drivers, who also have the option, in theory, to only drive part-time, also doing side gigs?
Proof that the VC bubble is at peak bubble.
Ha! I grew up in a house with a gigantic yard (front and back) which my dad made me mow. Took about 3 hrs each time. I just bought a house with a tiny yard that takes me 20 minutes to mow with a manual mower.
If most people prefer coffee at 140 degrees, then McD’s could have easily stored its coffee at the 160 degree range after brewing and the customer would not have given a shit.
You want to die on this hill? Ok. you’re going to die on this hill. The temperatures you listed are for the brewing process. The link even has this statement:
He can sue but the kid can also declare bankruptcy and get out of it. The only way the taco guy gets any money is if the prosecutor makes restitution a part of the sentence.
No, that’s irrelevant. McD did their own studies (which came out at trial) where they concluded that superheating the coffee would save them a few pennies per container. It had nothing to do with taste. They did it to save money and actually factored in the potential costs of lawsuits because they knew the coffee…
Honestly, when I see him dribble and dish, he looks like he’s 6'3”.
I used to fly for vacations twice a year. Since having a kid, I’ve gone on none that involved flying. I just don’t want to subject people to my kid screaming. I’m prepared to do this until the kid is old enough to keep his shit together.
Just posting this here before people start citing to the McDonald’s coffee case as an example of lawyers run amok.
Babysitters run about $15 an hour in my neighborhood. That $100 would cover 7 hours. Who wants to be away from their kids for 7 hours on Mother’s Day?
Counterpoint: it’s bullshit to charge 6% commission to sell a house regardless of the price of the house or market conditions. Disruption can’t come fast enough for the real estate industry.
So, it’s basically a liquid candy bar.
I’m not even a Democrat. Have been an independent for 20 years. Not sure why you think Republicans will suddenly compromise just because Dumpf is out of office. Medicare for all is a non-starter. So is the new green deal. There’s nothing you “center lefts” will get through compromise.