I hope Trump understands that he better win the next election or else he’s going to jail. Better yet, I hope he does not.
I hope Trump understands that he better win the next election or else he’s going to jail. Better yet, I hope he does not.
He’s not the first contestant to follow this strategy- just the most successful. The first guy was some asian guy who annoyed Trebek with the strategy.
The irony is she’s wrong! Blacks have historically not been overrepresented in baseball like in other sports like basketball and football. Right now, the percentage of MLB players who are black is like 8%.
My retirement savings are higher than the median because I have a higher income than most. But I also have lived below my means since I’ve started working. Most people who see how my wife and I live would assume that I make a modest salary- we have a 9 year-old car, I pack my lunch for work, my phone is an iPhone SE,…
Does his statement describe how the attack unfolded? The excerpt keeps referring to the attack without actually talking about it. That looks fishy.
What does the 25.6% include? SS? State and local? Medicare? Sales tax? If you include all those taxes, then my effective tax rate is higher than 50%.
Yeah, this is why states with high-performing public schools are all located in blue states with high property taxes. Better funding is not a guarantee of better performance, but better performance does not happen without better funding.
I am 100% certain I will never set foot in Knoxville, but I would never say something as douchey (or wrong) as “There are plenty of exceedingly popular destinations in Tennessee; Knoxville is not one of them.”
Congratulations, you can sing. The people who need alcohol are the people who can’t sing.
When you are really wealthy and old, the thing that you tend to focus on is legacy. That’s what he’s concerned about.
I only add that if you are going to adopt a rescue, don’t reject him/her just because they may have some behavioral issues. My dog roamed the streets for an unknown amount of time before he was taken in and has issues with food. But he’s still a good boy and I will never give him up even though he’s not fond of our…
That’s not true. There are a lot of trucks with self-contained reefer units. In NYC, plenty of truckers idle to stay comfortable.
I’ve had the Impossible Slider at White Castle. Pretty fucking good, considering the meat at White Castle is pretty suspect to begin with. They didn’t tell me it was 3x as thick as a regular slider tho, so ordering 10 was a bit overkill.
Have someone stand in front of an autonomous car when it is stopped. Have two others jack it up and steal the wheels.
Now every fucking loser in the world thinks he has a shot with Kate Beckinsale.
If Cornell, the response is “So, you went to your safety school.”
My wife went through this. She stayed at home for the first year and it nearly drove her crazy. Net result: she handed the baby off to me the minute I got home from work and both weekend days.
Most people I know don’t go out and get a new car once their old is paid off. They get a new car when the old one costs too much to maintain. I would guess that the buying cycle is longer because of a combination of longer loan periods and better quality cars.
I used to eat Noosa until I read the ingredients and found that it contains gelatin. Why? Just use fruit pectin like everyone else!
I wonder why there are no comments available for that article. I guess the Times anticipated what a shitshow it would become.