
The real Rudy came to my junior high in the Boston suburbs shortly after the film came out. He was ostensibly there to give us a motivational speech about STICKING TO YOUR GUNS UNTIL YOU SUCCEED! but spent the entirety of the time whining that we, as a group of bored 13-year-olds, did not appreciate that a star was

In my case we were together for several years already and married for financial reasons, even though our relationship was on the wane and we should’ve recognized it. Can’t speak for anyone else.

Starring bc of “making dinner with what someone else got at the store.” I love this!

This is divine (Baltimore reference I wasn’t intending, but I’m keeping it).

Bahaha, this is all gold... My ex was given a Daewoo Lanos as a loaner once when his was in the shop and it was the worst car I’ve ever ridden in. And I owned a Tempo with no heat or AC at the time!

Holy Christ on a cracker. If that thing came looming out at me from some dim corner I’d shit my pants. Did they have a contest to create the most disturbing mascot?

I love their looks of shame

Well, I think we’re speaking in the relative sense. I don’t know the statistics for widowin’ age, but I’d have thought they’re usually a bit older (assuming they married a peer and not someone considerably older).

I just realized we never had a wedding for the dog and the cat! They’ve been living in sin!

I’ve been trying to get my best friend to watch Freaks and Geeks with me for months. He always weasels his way out of it; not sure why. Thank you for inspiring me to force him to watch it tonight when he comes over to scam food.

I dated a seriously doofy guy in 2003 who was obsessed with the Final Destination movies. (It wasn’t the cause of the breakup, but we weren’t together long.) I got threatened with a lawsuit or criminal charges a year later by Blockbuster bc he’d apparently rented the third one and never returned it.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I wanna hear your best/worst stories from working there. Misery loves company.

My boss’s daughter has a rare form of anemia that requires a bone marrow transplant too, and she’s only 6. No matches yet. I’m on the marrow donation list now and I can’t advocate for it hard enough - a simple cheek swab and you could someday save a person’s life. Everyone who’s eligible should do it.

I don’t keep up with college rivalries all that much, so I had no skin in the Auburn-Alabama thing until my Auburn coworker started working with me. Now my Alabama CEO trolls her all the time and it brings me great joy.

Just terrible. +1 (-love)

Personally I was rooting for Tokyo Sexwale, bc I wanted to see his name in the news as much as possible. So bummed he removed himself from contention :(

I’m a woman and I don’t carry a purse! Thank you for speaking up for us, Barry!

This was a low blow, and I laughed out loud.

This is really well said. I’m not being sarcastic. This is good analysis approached in a way I haven’t heard before. Thanks!

Me too. I may not be a whole person, is my takeaway. I AM pretty short.