
Not really - but Mo Willems is sitting on a mountain of money thanks to a trash-eating bird, potential bacon source, and an oddly sized elephant. I clearly took the wrong turn out of my English major, financially-speaking. Coulda been a children’s book author-slash-gazillionaire.

Exactly. I’m an Episcopalian (was RCC, grew out of it as I grew up) and I balk at the lack of theological discipline that flies out of the doors in these megachurches. It’s the laziest form of discernment - read: NONE AT ALL - and it is dangerous. That’s why we have climate deniers and bootstrap preachers who claim

Former Idahoan, born and raised. Will co-sign this comment to infinity and beyond. It’s a lovely state mostly full of ridiculously ignorant people. There are pockets of sanity, but they are few and far between.

I have a seven-year-old daughter. This bullshit turns my stomach.

Who will be the Lady Olenna that does the deed for us all?

Maybe someone watched that episode of The Office, where Ryan sets up a “blog” for Creed, but it’s really just a blank Word doc and got inspired. Could be that Cheetolini is just plugging words into a dummied-up Twitter UI on his phone these days?

It’s the best. And you can reuse the containers! Brilliant.

1999 grad here, so at least we got a muthafuckin’ Prince classic as our grad ‘anthem’.

As a child-having person, I concur. But this little girl wasn’t running with her lollipop so...

He is the doll version of No Scrubs. And we all know a scrub can’t get no love from Barbie.

I want to give this an entire galaxy of stars. I gave it what I could, though. Perrrrrfection!

I’m in the same space - as a woman who struggled with PPD/PPA after the birth of both my daughters. I also deal with low-grade anxiety all the time, and it’s gotten more difficult to manage as a parent.

These are just what the world needed in our hour of collective...need. Why did it take the Reese’s people so damn long to finally concoct such perfection?

Also and! there is Aviation gin that is delightful and wonderful and makes the bestest Tom Collins.

I think it’s the only two words he can still spell correctly. He looks like my 4 year old does when she gets all the letters in her name in the right spots.

Cool story bro

Yes fine he meant the Bitterroots you win

No. Why? No. Ugh. No.

The Chinese state media is running GLEEFUL as hell stories about Trump’s election. The debt collection timeline probably just got a LOT shorter - and not in our favor.

I can’t imagine what Obama’s WH staff must be thinking, trying to dumb-down the complexity of foreign policy for PE Trump. 

Yes, it’s tucked into the first floor of the Chambers Hotel (which is also amazing, btw) and it shares space with Ma Peche, a delightful piece of David Chang’s food empire.