
Every fucking day. They stole a SCOTUS seat. That shit makes me insanely angry, to the point where I’ve cut every single trump supporter out of my life lest I go feral on them.

The Quicker Fucker Upper

White men should be banned from buying guns. They don’t bring their best. They bring rapists, murderers but I assume some are good people. This is just until we know what’s going on! *screaming into the void*

Risk is a children’s game. Diplomacy is a grown-man’s game. If you want to see an adult male cry, invite him to a game of Diplomacy with a couple poli sci graduate students and watch as he loses all faith in the social fabric.

SPOILER: That pigeon’s gonna drive the bus whether you want him to or not

Why you gotta interrupt my strongly worded email with your silly warning?

I mean, feel free to explain to little Janie all about your Randian jerkoff fantasy and how her mother is a leech on the system but Janie is eight and she’s hungry and she doesn’t understand why adults who have food won’t give her food when she’s hungry.

Every scientist I’ve ever met spends most of their waking life groveling for grants. It’s a blood sport. If somebody’s handing out gobs of cash nobody told them about it.

I remember growing up near the Aryan Nations compound. Always embarrassed by Idaho, but miss the scenery. And you too mom!

I am not sure that that is necessarily genius. My 5 yr old does that all the time when he gets in trouble, “Hey, buddy, did you do this bad thing that got you in trouble?” “Daddy did you know I like Pokemon and I own a restaurant in Charlottesville”.

He has the “I have made a huge mistake” Gob Bluth look on his face.

Ugh, look up, it’s the point you missed again. The whole point is men can make their own damn lists to manage their own damn projects/lives. The point is not that lists are bad but that women are expected to make them for men, instead of men noticing on their own and doing what needs to be done. Or putting it on a

It shouldn’t be an assumption that people in a certain age bracket have family responsibilities, but it also shouldn’t be an assumption that they don’t. The US is so fucking weird about this. I’d argue that work/life balance includes being single and going home on a Friday and watching Netflix with your cat/dog/fish!

This is less surprising then finding a Confederate Flag in Stephen Miller’s bedroom.

This is me waiting for Sunday:

The best part about fucking up on hotel rooms is that we’re talking about someone heavily involved with hotels. Maybe they just assumed that his name in the industry was enough? Maybe they thought that, like L. Ron Hubbard, there is space saved for him wherever he goes, whether he actually goes there or not? I have

Hey, this is a good way to troll Seahawks fans, so it at least has that.

Where does a mansplainer get his water?

I believe it’s an Episcopal school. Episcopalians believe in using God given reason, and faith isn’t a requirement for participation in the life of the church or attendance at school etc. Science is considered compatible with religion, Bible is not taken literally, women and LGBTQ folks can be ordained as priests. Not