Looks pretty good. Framerate is too high and stable and textures aren’t wobbling around to really feel like a PS1 game, plus the lighting effects take it out of that era entirely, but the aesthetic is good nonetheless.
Looks pretty good. Framerate is too high and stable and textures aren’t wobbling around to really feel like a PS1 game, plus the lighting effects take it out of that era entirely, but the aesthetic is good nonetheless.
IMHO a “cult classic” is one that arises organically from within disparate groups of fans, rather than as the result of a calculated process of polishing up a seriously flawed product to counter the hemorrhage of cash lost.
Except Cats is joyless. Most bombs are at least fun in their terribleness. I literally hid behind my hands from secondhand embarrassment for basically all of the movie - notably excluding Gus because Ian McKellen is a damn genius.
Bingo, aside from the great idea to have Rey be a nobody (which because of TLJ’s and TFA’s other failures, has now been retconned) it added nothing both new AND good and instead implied the resistance were complicit in lots of bad things, just what people want from their mythic cinema, yes sure.
I don’t think there’s anything cooler than an audience spontaneously bursting into cheering and applause. It’s not like people were carrying on conversations, the movie just had that powerful of an impact on them. I loved watching it.
Not 100%. There was the scene with the Mom in the kitchen. Or I guess that was played straight, but was clearly intended to undercut the drama for a moment.
It is true that most of those articles have a few snarky comments up top, but pretty much every article that’s solely about black women is dominated by comments about how whatever has happened isn’t that great or interesting or whatever.
The spoiler is that Werner IS Boba. And he narrates the entire show like something out of an Ingmar Bergman movie. Monotone and dreary.
Here’s a “fun” game you can play. Watch the video and see if you can pinpoint the times when his OS throws up an error message.
He was looking to one-up that Yankees fan in Minnesota:
I mean...in just one episode they had characters doing blackface (or brownface considering it was supposed to be latina) and offensive Asian makeup/fake teeth stereotypes. And they got away with it/didn’t get canceled or anything BECAUSE of the context and how they point out how bad it is and it’s assholes who are…
Counterpoint: Mike Myers doesn’t drink his own pureed shit in the first movie.
I rewatched it this year and a couple of things stood out to me. It was the first thing I had ever seen Emma Stone in and she does her best with what she’s given but there’s not a lot there. And the jokes are infrequent and not that funny.
It’s absolutely degrading behavior. Teenager mob mentality.
If there is a baseline between exuberant celebration and disturbingly degrading behavior, these videos are a slow roller toward first that might not stay in fair territory.
She was very Annie Wilkes-esque in Ingrid Goes West.
The hole from which the deuce drops is not worthy of praise.
You also just more or less described the Bears. The only two teams in the division with good QBs are the Packers and the Lions, which have had issues with the running game and defense. This year, both of those teams look to have improved in those areas. Meanwhile, the Bears and Vikings have the best defenses, but are…
Can you include the time stamps where you observed innovation?
The villain in Hackers is the only other role I know him from.