
yeah that’s why all players are informally retiring his numbers. shut the fuck up, you clearly don’t know everything about which you speak and are regurgitating someone’s opinion that you read somewhere else. someone who takes their name from lester bangs that’ pretty fucking pathetic.

but it’s ok to only mention that like this lady did. lol ok

notoriously reliable opinion that is not subject to change. so they basically meausure knee jerk reactions.

i had never thought about how to type that sound, thank you my lostgoodfriend

my friend’s dad would try to eat boiled eggs for health but could only eat the yolks. he’s dead now.

boiled eggs dont need anything besides salt.

you need to do a little more self examination it sounds like, jamie. maybe you are not quite as you think are.

you should probably act less hurt about this, jamie. i understand your frustration completely but we can’t censor people especially when they are speaking the truth.

wow, fuck hp lovecraft, miserable sack of shit.

the last time i watched high fidelity i realized that john cusak was out of his god damned mind and any adult would/should have kicked his fucking ass. hopefully this version’s protagonist has their head removed from their ass at some point.

there was a time when people who were cool would understand this without needing an explanation. now the world has to drag along the agitated weirdos like an albatross. fucking internet


stop trying to salvage this nightmare

what’s the action on the streets like at this time

Except that the Jedi and Sith are a massive part of what people love about star wars. giving that the middle finger is a pretty bold move but you should understand why it didn’t sitwell with many people.

they say seemingly the same poorly delivered shit in every video

is this gideon yago

it shouldnt because that’a stupid fucking reason to tank the only candidate that is willing to do what has to be done to fix the environment and horrid state of healthcare in this fucking country. if most people really think like you (unable to prioritize what is ACTUALLY imperative and what can wait) we all deserve

awful opinion

sounds like someone didn’t know how to strafe