
I dunno. Many Brits I met could name more of the 50 states (and their capitals) than many Americans, name specific rivers and how they are used commercially, our political history, our branches of government and various treaties we have entered. I was shocked, but then maybe they friends I made in London weren’t

Smarkiness aside, I do think it’s kind of sad that women feel the need to apologise for having an opinion on a feminist website. I don’t play that game. Too bad if you think that makes me a troll.

It’s a necessary preemptive measure on jezebel, if you’re white and you’re going to have an opinion on race issues it had better be as meek and timid as possible, stating clearly that you're aware of your whiteness and privilege and you're not just some white feminist.

Not all face paint and make up is blackface. Yes I know it’s a Kardashian but this is people looking for a scandal where there is none. Not that it surprises me.

I'm black I think it's a ridiculous over-reaction. And that is not even in the spectrum of human skin colour, people!

I’m not white and I don’t think this is blackface. Newsflash to the outraged people, black people are not metallic robots...

Blackface never meant “having a black face”, anyway. It means, “performing a gross racial caricature of black people”. Is she doing that? No. Is there any indication whatsoever that this was some kind of racist caricature? No. The manufactured outrage is fucking inane. Furthermore, getting het up about irrelevant shit

Totally agreed on wanting to hear from others because I’m white... I saw this and just thought she looked metallic - which doesn’t seem to correlate to me.


Looks like a weird makeup shoot to me where it’s all about artistry or whatever. I’m also white, so I feel like I shouldn’t really have a say in what constitutes black face. I’d like to hear from everyone else though. /confused

Yea... That's straight up silver. Robot face?

I don’t remember black people being so shiny and vapid.

I'm white, but that doesn't look like blackface to me...?

There is research. As a neuroscience graduate I have reviewed the material. We know that babies left to cry have elevated cortisol levels. We know that even when they give up and stop crying the cortisol levels are still high. We know that elevated cortisol hampers brain development. Saying there is no evidence of

Your father's behavior was calculated (though probably not consciously) to make you feel like nothing. You should go live with your cousin, and never allow yourself to be put in a position where your dad has any power over you again, or the same thing will happen. And of course he's not mad anymore; you're beyond his

Where can I go where I can give a fish the scritches and have him come back for more? That gif has charmed me totally.

This stuff makes me INSANE and reminds me why I am very, very single.

ughhh thats terrible, Im really glad you have other places to stay cuz your dad is an a complete ass. Trashing yout stuff? Oh Im sorry trashing other people’s stuff like that is illegal. It really reminds me of my dad, while he never did it to me he would scream and yell at my other siblings to get the eff out, when

Not to be that guy (esp. when not actually a guy at all), but have you tried eliminating gluten for two weeks? I went through much the same as you and Ladyheatherlee for years, had every bizarre test you can think of, and put up with way more “oh, it’s just your period dear” bullshit from male doctors than anyone

I am so fucking depressed. I wish I had something new to report but I don’t. My leg break/immobility/long road to recovery just has me feeling so down I don’t even know what to do. To top it off I got into a huge fight with my parents today (they insisted I stay with them after my surgery until I could walk again, and