
But so what if it is?

I was having trouble articulation why this creeped me out, but I think you did a good job. Beyond that, I feel like this an excuse for people to use racism as the reason for why someone won’t fuck them. “She won’t fuck me because she’s racist” vs. “She won’t fuck me because SHE JUST DOESN’T WANT TO and I have to

And if your “type” is a race that’s differnt than yours, you’re just a “fetishist.”

So we have to be diverse in our dating or else we’re racist?

That sort of sexual policing gives me rapey vibes. It suggests that we have to go against our own bodies and experiences to somehow fuck our way to social justice - which is gross. I don’t need to be shamed or coerced into having sex that I don’t want to have, especially not when its only to further a narrative.


It’s one of the world’s great ironies that a woman in the military is more likely to be raped by her commander than an enemy combatant. And it’s funny, in the blackest, most twisted gallows-humor sense of the word “funny”, that a lot of people hear about this, scratch their hollow pates, node sagely and say: “Well,

They’re not heroes. They’re citizen soldiers.

You're only accepting manicheistic points of view today? Have fun.

2015, and witch doctors can still get people to kill albino children for their magic blood and body parts in certain areas of Africa.

Immigration is not a 100% pure good. It's generally a net good, but not a pure good. Let’s hope the law prevails against tradition when tradition is fucked up.

I’m FUCKING DISGUSTED by the lenient sentences given to child abusers in the UK. A man in Scotland, who worked in a hospital and had access to children, was just given a lenient sentence for possessing photos of newborns being abused. It makes me physically ill to think that these mentally deranged, dangerous

I wish the phrase “child porn” would go away and die in a fire. It should be called videos of child sexual torture

Could that picture be any more perfect right out of central casting? The beady eyes, the yellowed mustache, the greasy long-haired curl in the back to counteract the baldness, the sweaty looking patina, the wrinkly suit, using blue in the shirt and tie to play up the ruddy complexion... I can’t see the bitten

I saw the picture before I saw the headline and thought “child pornographer, for sure”. Nailed it.

He sounds like a total numpty and high five for getting rid of him. I heard through the grapevine (not much looooonger would you beeee mine) that my ex-boyfriend is just as overbearing towards his new girlfriend as he was to me and I genuinely hope she gets shot of him because being around him did a serious number of

Uneducated men with unskilled jobs and the uneducated unemployed women who are dependent on them (aka Young Dumb & In Love) are happiest until they have kids and their spouse gets old, sick, and out of shape and lose their job. Then they realize they’re fucked and resent each other.

The happiest female isn’t working AND has a husband with only a K-12 education? Interesting. I didn’t know women loved being poor so much.

The thing is you’d think it might work out at least once in a while but I’ve never seen it end well for the supportive wife. Any help beyond holding the fort during a brief training program resulted in major resentment of the wife.

This is only tangentially related, but - The older man I dated used to bring up his previous partners, tell me about them, and then treat me as if I was being childish if I showed the least bit of jealousy/uphappiness about it. He would tell me way too much. Like how he had anal sex with a local beauty queen turned tv

I will say that some guys absolutely care about the number in my experience. I had a guy get IRATE with me after finding out I’d had a few one night stands in the prior few months, even though we hadn’t even met when I had them. They also start caring a lot more if you’re white and your ex is black.