
I don’t think believing in witches to the point of torturing children is religion; it’s superstition.

I live in the UK. I blame mass immigration. So sue me.

This is a direct result of a large number of African immigrants who believe in witches. Fucking terrifying.

One of the many things that really annoys me about Jezebel is the deluded, misguided idea that hypersexuality and hookups are liberated. Guess what, they’re not. They advantage men to women’s detriment. If we were being told by magazines and websites that cleaning the dishes really, really well was hot and liberated

I am constantly appalled by how lenient sentences are for sexual crimes against women and children. Almost like we live in a patriarchy where no one gives a shit about their rights, eh???

I’m not saying I don’t sympathise with everyone’s fury on here, but as we know vigilante justice is never the answer. You risk torturing an innocent man.


I WAS the new, young gf in my last relationship. i got sick of being used as a trophy and ego boost so I dumped him so hard he bounced. He went completely mental, had apparently convinced himself he ‘deserved’ someone young like me. *eye roll*.

Ok ladies, why do we think guys are so completely dumb that they don’t just get rid of this shit? I dumpeda guy with a box of photos and a book with an inscription. He went bezerk. But he was asking for it.

Ignore your bitch-from-hell MIL. She’s an attention-seeking drama queen who can go fuck herself. Enjoy your beautiful day outside!! Get a folding chair and a groomsman with a small fan to stand by her.

What a handsome boy! he clearly had a wonderful life with you. I know it seems early, but you should definitely get another cat soon(ish), you were meant to keep them

Y’know, there’s a LOT to be said for not having to worry about unplanned pregnancy or STIs. If you’re having orgasms, you’re sexually active. So buy a vibrator and relax!

I think you are being a lot more gracious and tolerant of your father’s stupidity than I would be. I’ve seen some truly horrific instances of parents marrying golddiggers or incompetents the second time around and leaving their children destitute.

Um, I think it’s more that you aren’t very rich. High rollers DO know how they’re going to pay for things tomorrow because they’re actually rich.

Probably a joint bills account, each person contributing a percentage of their income. Maybe also a joint saving account for a house or something, with a similar rate of contribution.

You are a smart cookie. I would NEVER work to support a man through school. There are so many horror stories.... The woman who slaves away as a nurse to put her husband through med school, only to have him upgrade to a younger model once the big money starts coming in...

Congratulations on your savvy. But sadly I think money is as important as love. Or perhaps what I really mean is that TRUE love is expressed through being considerate and providing for the other person?

Oh, honey. I’m sorry you had to learn about boundaries in such a hard way. Were you brought up very trusting? Often that kind of upbringing can really cripple one as an adult. Also sorry if this sounds patronising, it’s not supposed to.

You should NOT have to put up with this. Your husband needs to set some firm boundaries. Get tough with him about how this is affecting you.

Oh boy. I am astonished your brother-in-law would want a woman so pathetic she gave money to her sponging exes.