
I might have missed it, but did anyone involved in displaying this have the subjects’ or their families’ permission? I hate to think that private nude pictures of me might be posted publicly in 45 years. GAHH.

Also, that hair is magnificent.

Well, I’m guessing “blood-stained napkin” actually means menstrual napkin... but that doesn’t make it any less creepy.

This guy was probably one dark thought away from turning into the next Jack the Ripper. What a fucking creep.

This woman’s photo and name, posted for all to see...including intimate photos...how can Jezebel commenters not be outraged? When this is done today, it’s called revenge porn. Since it was found and put up in an art exhibit, it’s somehow seen as art. This woman could be alive now, or at least some people she knew

It’s like Crap Museum Exhibit From a Dude.

...getting a peak into black America!? please tell me you are like...100 years old...

You slept with a guy who was cheating on his girlfriend who had cancer?

In the archive, inscribed with dates, are samples of Margret’s hair (from both her head and pubic region), her fingernails, and empty contraception packages, as well as a blood-stained napkin.

A German businessman who is meticulous in detail? Love people who don’t conform to stereotypes.

His wife had to apologize to Margret? Good grief.

I notice you use the noun describe one half of your example and a dehumanizing adjective for the other half. Wonder why that is.

What you might miss is that every time someone tells us what they like, it implies that it IS giving advice because there's so much fucking advice-giving and victim-blaming that you have to put up with as a woman. Really think about what your point added to the conversation. That some men like to be rejected

For what it's worth, I've politely and straightforwardly rejected guys before just like you've outlined here. . . and I can think of several instances where that polite, straightforward rejection was met with them calling me a "fat ugly bitch" or a "bitch" or other fun threats.

Yeeeeah in the last 8 months 3 random, obnoxious spurned men assaulted 3 different women badly enough to draw national attention. People like the asshole in the article & especially the MRA's who defend him make me ashamed of my gender. The ignorance, pettiness, and entitlement of these small dicked man-children is

Bachelorette parties will forever have a special place in my heart. The first time I ever went to a real club (alone and with a male friend), this guy kept creeping over and grinding on me, uninvited. I wasn't yet the elbow-throwing feminist menace I am today, so I didn't know what to do other than sort of awkwardly

You are so right. We should be blaming these women for having the party at the Holiday Inn instead of the grown-assed man having a temper tantrum over being rejected. Jesus. /sarcasm

"I don't understand why women just don't TELL men they aren't interested."

It's been a while since someone told me I was still a baby instead of looking at me and wondering why I struggle with adulthood. I find this somehow comforting.

Yep. You win.

Yup. Plus, if the woman is thinking of leaving, the man can sabotage the birth control, hopefully leading to a pregnancy and another 18+ years of control and terror.