
That is a better response, it has a counterpoint which makes some kind of argument. My question to you is that if she has done this 4 times now, how many babies to you get to neglect and kill before someone does something about it? She clearly can't handle having children and she is going to keep going to jail for

Ugh, no offense, but your parents sound like the worst. Can they really not appreciate how awesome their daughter clearly is? You're accomplishing your goals and it sounds like you've found someone you love to spend your life with. Seriously, what else could a parent ask for? You're not a failure, your parents just

First, congratulations about your job — it sounds awesome — and also your up-coming marriage.

That sucks! You're right, people today really lack empathy, especially for those in service industries. I worked restaurants and retail while putting myself through college, and I hope to God I never have to go back. Do you have any exit strategy to put yourself in a better job?

Uh....this is definitely a scam. Is your friend someone that is normally vulnerable to these sorts of things? I seriously hate when I hear about internet scams. ugh! I hope you can talk some sense into her...try and find articles about people who were scammed in the same way and have her read them. This is the time

I get a new one because I have a right to have an orgasm. If he can't deal with the "pressure," he needs therapy, not to use my body without having the ability and willingness to get me off. It's not rocket science. It's actually not that difficult. You just need to give a damn. If you don't, you're history. And if

Then you're in the minority, most women don't cum from sex alone.

Oh, don't get me started on porn. It fucking ruins men. I have mastered the loud "HEY!" as they are about to do something stupid, or immediately afterward, and then the corrective suggestion. Such as, HEY, NOT YET, YOU NEED TO TOUCH ME FIRST. If they aren't into it, then it's OK, FORGET IT, as I get dressed.

No, because, once again, going down on a woman and giving a man a blow job are not the same thing. Both in that one is necessary for climax, and also because going down on women is a lot easier to do. I say that as a woman that's done them both.

Yes I agree. But is interesting-at least to me-what we-women-are willing to negotiate doing during sex times with a man, and that is what I took away from this. I mean, Woman are expected-by men or other women or society-to be willing and able to do everything in sex, while men......not so much. It's a lot of pressure

Its disgusting and the thought process starts early. My nieces are 15. They say they are holding off on all sex because they don't find the idea of blowjobs attractive in the least, but they already know its expected.

Yes, all of that, too.

Eh, as long as everyone is upfront and honest about what they will and won't do and both people enter into the relationship with their eyes open, more power to them. Would it be the right choice for me? No. But this isn't my relationship.

Yeah, but a lot of times guys will say they're into eating pussy, then find reasons not to, or to do it really badly and refuse to take direction, then still expect a cookie for their time. I mean, if a woman blowing a guy started biting at him and refused to stop, you wouldn't hear people telling the guy that he

Didn't read the article? It answered that question for you: no. It's not the same. Men typically have an orgasm during sex and women do not. Blow jobs are not necessary to get off. Therefore, it's not the same thing; a man that refuses to go down is basically saying "you never get to climax while you're with me."

My feelings EXACTLY! I can almost never get off if we head straight for PIV but ready the ground (heh!) and I can cum multiple times. Dudes are gonna come regardless because DICK. I remember trying to explain a woman's orgasm to guy once. I told him for women it's like rolling a ball up a hill. You have to get the

Yeah, I mean, what the fuck is this shit? I feel like I might be disproportionately angry about this, but it's an attitude I've encountered a few too many times. NO ONE is obligated to perform any sex act they don't enjoy, or just don't feel like doing, or what have you. And there are plenty of men who don't give a

Right? 'Oh no guys! I looked at the world's blowjob inventory and there are missing blowjobs! We counted them all! A few are missing. Why isn't this cat lady coming up with the missing blowjobs?!"

Judging by the fake job... Almost certainly not a real woman, but a guy pretending to be a woman in order to better troll feminists.

I saw this last week, and the whole thing just enrages me. The fact that she doesn't want to do it but expects men to eat her out (Tracy, you make hella good points about why that's okay, and I'm a lot less pissed about it now but I was seeing red last week). The fucking disgusting misogynistic responses to it, like