
Well, Chloe, at least J-Law has never posed with seafood on her ladybits.

You mean women will want to have children when they feel supported, financially secure and able to have choices about their futures?!

For those of you wondering, my husband, Jonathan Taylor Thomas With A Baby Deer and I are doing wonderfully. We've recently welcomed two children, Snap Bracelet and Sticker Earrings and we are just over the moon, me and my husband Jonathan Taylor Thomas With A Baby Deer. Life couldn't be better with him, my real life

Man, that sucks. But props to his mom for doing the right thing by you.

I'd say either was better than statutory rape. He had the option to fight me on it. Her parents would have to press charges and apparently they couldn't have cared less. His father simply saw the benefit of keeping the matter off public record and encouraged him to make the bed he chose to lie in. I personally

I'm neither the cheater nor the cheatee, but I am involved in one such story and it is a really special kind of awful.

This is working wonders to erase those horrific cheating stories I was reading from my brain.

It is like your eggs knew he didn't deserve to have a baby with you. Congrats on having a baby with someone worthy of your love and life.

Wow. He's the worst, but your former mother-in-law can go fuck herself with a cactus too.

I had a friend like that too! My mom flat out told me to never introduce her to anyone I was serious about because, "Even if she doesn't sleep with him, she'll figure out a way to ruin your relationship". Our friendship didn't last too long after I realized my mom was right.

In the summer of 2013, I had spent 8 Very Long, Very Hard years in graduate school and was a mere two weeks away from defending my Ph.D. My monogamous husband of 8.5 years went over to visit our closest couple friends' of 5 years house to drink and play video games while I worked on all of my dissertation shit.

Okay. It's long!

The "caught" part: He had asked me to grab his phone and take it to him at work, since he'd forgotten it. It was on my way to my job so of course I did it. I grabbed it and at some point needed the time or something so I clicked it open (pre-password days) and saw a winky-face text from number with a

I'm divorced now. But about 2 months after the divorce was final I was on the phone with my ex telling him I was going to be in his area that weekend and wanted to stop by and see the beloved dog he kept (we had two dogs and we split them up), thinking the dogs could play. I had thought the divorce was amicable.

On the other hand, bullet dodged?

I had accidentally lost a friend's favorite book and was too embarrassed to tell him so I told my boyfriend to keep it to himself as I stalled, hoping I would either find it or be able to replace it before he asked me to return it. Our (mutual) friend admitted that my boyfriend had spilled the beans a long time ago.

If I were you (and I know I'm not), I'd make a list of all the things that would have to change before you could have a second child. That is, the bigger car, the more stuff, the more of your husband's time spent child rearing, the more money spent on babysitters to make up for absent family — or, the moving to be

So his brother's wife is a monster for wanting more children? Not following your logic. It's not as if he did anything beyond some simple conjecture. I think you should heed your own advice, and "pump the brakes" before flying off the handle.

Well, technically it has nothing to do with her eggs. It's entirely his fault! :P

this dress would look completely ridiculous on me but I still want it. I would wear it to swan about the house with a glass of wine in my hand.