
I'm still, after reading countless replies, not understanding what is wrong with thinking we need to teach our sons and daughters to be respectful and polite when refusing requests for bangage. Nothing wrong with saying no. Nothing wrong with not being into someone. Not a damned thing. but men act like women never

Fair warning here - I just found out my husband of 4 years has been having an affair that started a year after we married when we were going through a very rough time. He refused therapy at that time, but he helped himself to some side ass while I destroyed myself cycling into depression wondering what I'd done

Why is everyone applauding? She's intentionally sleeping with married men. Doubt most of them have an open marriage agreement like she does.

That's so hurtful and so shitty. Congrats on having great communication in your marriage. That really was cool to hear. Also, you're legitimately awful.

I tend to agree that the other spouses don't know. I understand she left a lot of detail out but that might be the first detail I would include. I mean, the whole interview is her telling us it's all right because her husband knows and accepts it but she just happens to leave out her partners are in the same

All of them? I just don't believe that about ALL of them.

God, if I could kill the phrase "let themselves go" with fire, I would. We all have a limited amount of fucks to give, and sometimes sexual attractiveness falls to the wayside. It's too common and too difficult for so many to avoid for it to be as simple as "letting" something happen.

The problem with cheating is more than the act of having sex with another person. It's the lying, the deceitfulness, sneaking around, and treating someone you're suppose to love and have taken vows with like they don't matter. So, no, I have no empathy for people like that.

The reason people dislike cheating is because of empathy. They are empathetic to the person unknowingly getting cheated on.

It sort of makes it sound like illness is a totally acceptable reason to cheat. That kind of blows my mind. I have an illness right now that has left me physically unable to do a lot of what I did before. I already feel horrible guilt about how this has affected the lives of everyone in my family. The last thing I

Just from some of the quotes from her side of the story, I can see that it's almost certainly not a normal, healthy poly relationship

I wondered he her husband feels about it, too. It sounds like his health condition is pretty serious. He might feel that if he told her he didn't want to open up the marriage, she would leave. That could be scary for someone who is at least somewhat dependent on their partner for physical care. He also might be

Yes, this exactly. If her husband is happy with their situation then that is great. But the fact that the men she is with are actively cheating on their spouses is far from decent behaviour. It's selfish and, particularly if their partners are depressed, incredibly cruel. I also rather side-eye the fact that she

"Yeah, I think the fact that when he found out they didn't just call it quits and they found a way to make it work for both of them was particularly beautiful."

I don't think it's very fair to say "most relationships would be better if they were non-monogamous to some extent." YOUR relationships might be better, and that's awesome. But that's not true for everyone. Some people are truly happy being monogamous.

I would be interested in getting her husband's perspective as well. I mean, maybe he is totally fine with it. But, there were a couple of moments here where it crossed my mind that he could be harboring some secret jealousy and resentment that he's burying because he doesn't want to lose her. It's impossible to know

Yeah, I was completely with her up to the point where we found out she insists on her partners being like her, with no caveat about the other spouses knowing. And yes, I know, she made those spouses no promises but I would hope she would pause a bit knowing she's helping a man hurt his wife. And I know, those wives

A lot of people "let themselves go" after kids because they are exhausted, unsupported, and kids are a fucking lot of work.

I don't consider this ethical non-monogamy. It's nice that, with her husband now aware of her other partners, he supports her lifestyle. That is indeed an open relationship. However, the fact that all her other partners are married - and probably NOT all telling their wives that they are seeing another woman - means

Yeah, the other thing about this as I digest it a little is, you know, we're getting a side of the story here and we're getting it from the person who initiate the change and is the one actually going out there and banging other people. They present it as something that works for them but also as something the other

I'm fine with the arrangement this couple has worked out, whatever works for you. But I'm guessing a lot of the men she sleeps with don't have similar arrangements with their wives, and their wives would be devastated by this. I can't imagine my partner sleeping with someone else because I had cancer, or depression,