
I am in a listicle mood today, so:

$75,000 clothing allowance


It is hilarious that two seconds after talking about the looks being "soft" and "polished", they list off what is a full/heavy face of make up.....rosy cheeks, smoked out liner, falsies, gloss.

She was drunk and brought her kid ...and they CALLED THE POLICE. What a fine, upstanding bunch of orgiers right there.

I try to be all "I don't judge," but nope, nope, nope, nope..

I have an excellent marriage—stick with me, I have a point—and after reading this I believe being from an identical class has a lot to do with it. Both of our families struggled when we were young, but through successful family businesses became solidly upper-middle class. Except that he finished his higher education

Apparently people still think if they didn't personally witness someone being abused it couldn't have happened. They must also think that harassers wear badges identifying themselves as such.

Highly recommended:

No, but I was really set on marrying someone emotionally healthy and I thought he was. I agree with his therapist that some childhood trauma is not evident til you have children of your own. If we had not had children many of these problems would still be buried. If I would change anything, it would be to make therapy

I could have written this. Except we are still struggling together. I feel so guilty and conflicted.

It has been very hard for my husband and me. I grew up middle class, with food and books and movies when I wanted and tons of toys and etc( don't hate me too much my mom and step father were still horrible), we were not loaded but we were comfortable, my husband grew up literally dirt floor poor. No coat poor. No

My parents were married (still are) and my siblings and I grew up poor. We stayed in the same home my whole life (so weren't the "move around all the time", poor) but most of my life before 14-15 was pretty lower-middle class. We didn't have cable, got a lot of hand-me-downs, no brand names, that kind of thing.

This is such a fascinating topic. I was in a LTR for 5 years with a guy who was very much from a blue collar background. I loved his get-up-and-go-ness and his hands-on, Mr Fix-it qualities that my middle/upper-middle class professor father did absolutely not possess.

Although they were nice, I didn't like that when I

I'm not his mother and I think he looks handsome and professional!

A guy named Yolo Swaggins is waiting for a trend to die. Okay.

"Unfortunate yard sale"

Now playing

If a robbery report was filed like a rape report:

Consider how you are dressed.