
Stop it. Set boundaries. You do NOT have to accept it because you are the oldest, most settled, or any other bullshit. When he turns up, tell him firmly he cant't stay, you are sorry. Then stick to it.

That woman who is dating her dad.

It's only a matter of time before guys figure this out and just start arguing that "the girl said yes", even if she didn't.

"Your likely another woman who wants to be able to go party and have zero accountability"

What I want to know is- WHERE ARE ALL THE PENISES??! Hollywood sex is often a woman stripping naked while standing in front of the man, and the man managing to keep his pants on through the whole thing. That could not be further from most people's reality.

Everyone did not used to drink and smoke, you know that, right? Maybe they didn't warn against it for pregnancy, but there were LARGE swaths of the population who viewed those things as sinful and decadent and abstained.


One third are cool with "using force," plus the 13.5% who are cool with calling it rape. That's 33.3% + 13.5%, so....46.8%? I'm not great at math, but we're talking about almost half of the men in this admittedly small sample admitting they would rape a woman if they didn't have to call it rape and didn't have to

Nah, they want to rape women and not be called rapist. It's the word, see? They're fine with the actual raping, it's the word they loathe.

What's in a name? that which we call a rape

Not all men just a third of them.

Level of surprise: 2.5/10.

Of course it's me! I'm the big sister and as a lady it is my duty to clean because something, but mostly I just clean the kitchen because how the fuck do they manage to get EVERY SURFACE sticky. I like where I make/eat my food to be free of nests of ants so I cleans. Also I mostly only do it when the smell gets so bad

modern human civilization has been built on the idea of women doing the backstage work while men shine on stage.

You're living the dream, my friend.

Men are more visual, yet somehow can't manage to see (or smell) a sink full of dirty dishes or a hamper full of dirty clothes.

I had a live-in boyfriend for a while. He works like 15 hours a week and more often at night while I'm a 9-5er too (45-50 hrs a week more like). I'd always get so upset coming home after working 9 hours to a fucking wreck with his shit everywhere and mud caked on my SEVENTEENTH CENTURY ORIGINAL HARDWOODS. After he

Jesus Christ, I'm glad he's an ex.

When the revolution comes, report him and have him sent to the reeducation camp.

Russia manages to be comically ridiculous and horribly tragic at the same time, and I'm never quite sure how to react to shit like this.