
Utah's state motto has been "Grab your dick and double click!" since, oh, 1995.

Now playing

As a member of Team Cat, I feel like a traitor posting this, but Bailey the Unknown Reindeer is the great 'animal in the snow' video ever.

nothing outside the cheaters personality ca "explain" cheating, imo. If he knew she was that nasty then why did he started a relationship with her? If he found out later, still no reason for cheating, you can still discuss, go to therapy, separate. Excuses for cheating are kind of from the same breed as excuses for

Here's our Miss Brown, with roughly the same reaction to her Christmas sweater:

I'm curious about her conclusions about high-income women and the supposed buyer's market that they've got. I would guess that probably applies to older people who may be looking at a second marriage after some maturing and life experience? Because in my experience, there are very few never-married successful men in

I love "hating" famous people so I'll still hate Jennifer Lawrence. She's the blandest thing I've ever watched and that includes the other Jennifer (Aniston). American Hustle was a joke and the franchise is easy money with the tweens.

There's a guy who I'm seeing once in a while in a FWB situation. We have some amazing chemistry, until i get into bed with him, at which point he seems to think having a big cock is enough to get the job done. It's not for me at all. I need a lot of external stimulation, and no amount of me stating this has helped.

Hmmm. I remember someone asking her if she would love Donald if he wasn't rich, and she said that he wouldn't love her if she wasn't beautiful, so. At least she was honest.

As the laws support a 50/50 split of marital assets (at least in my area) your opinion is moot, but I'm curious- what's your opinion of a marriage in which a wife does pretty much all of the cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, menu-planning, social planning, gardening, and familial correspondence? In other

This. How many wattle-necked titans of industry really think that those willowy satin-skinned specimens are marrying them for blind love? Other than Donald Trump, that is. I dimly recall the puff-piece accompanying the Vogue cover story of his bride Melania Knauss, in which it was claimed she was no trophy wife, and

or, if the women are real "gold diggers" - the men who married them knew this from the beginning and liked being lusted after for their wealth. But now that they're getting divorced: bitches and whores, all of them.

If you don't want it I will take all of unwanted shit. Specially the amazon gift cards. There is only so much Supernatural Romance Smut my credit card can handle.

I hate it when after a divorce people call women who get some part of the money he made gold digging "whores" - although often the guys success would not have been possible without the woman supporting him, often raising the kids almost entirely alone, not pursuing her own career etc., and in the case of this

Ooohh sign me up for the I Want to Divorce Harry reality show!

I'm definitely the "quirky" one in the family, but fall more on the Twee, cutesy side of the quirky spectrum. Also I work in animal rescue. It was a really confusing gift for sure. Way too dark for my taste.

Omg I need so much more information.

Didn't sleep 3 days after seeing THE TRAILER

needing to cancel Xmas means you have fucked up with parenting to produce such entitled children. No shortcuts to parenting, a lot of work everyday... not just doing drastic stuff when the situation becomes too bad to ignore.

Honestly, you should just ask her what she wants you to say. I love dirty talk, and I have no problems putting words in the mouth of my partner. Following a script might be weird at first, but it'll probably help you come up with your own kinky shit to say.

One guy said to me: