
I am a rational person, a pacifist, and a generally chill gal — but your description makes me want to hit mister winner winner chicken dinner with a skillet.

I love dogs so much!

Anyone who starred his comment should just get a divorce. Their poor spouses don't deserve to be stuck with them. Let me give you some real advice. From a man. Not some idiot woman. Jesus.

Resentment? Are you talking about the resentment a man feels toward his pregnant partner? What does he have to resent, exactly? That he gets to walks around for 10 months, his body unchanged, eating and drinking what he wants, continuing his career without disruption, sleeping comfortably through the night, continuing

When she needed him most he became undependable, a hinderence and just another chore. He was acting out and killed any attraction his wife had for him from that point on.

A friend of mine (while pregnant with twins) witnessed her husband turn from a fully functional smart and articulate man in to a toddler seemingly overnight. Things he used to do with ease were suddenly difficult. I witnessed it at a party they hosted. He called out to his wife asking her what setting the oven

How wonderful. How did he manage to get a short-term partner? Is she aware that it will be over after you have given birth?

Unless you're a Duggar the time a woman is irritable while pregnant is a really small fraction of a relationship. I agree that a partner needs to suck it up. For the last few months of my second pregnancy I had a near constant aching pain shooting up my crotch that would make a saint want to cut a bitch.

Nothing can make you irritable quite like being two kids into a marriage and realizing your partner is a clueless idiot who expects you to be flawless for him all the time and won't pull his weight in taking care of the family.

The girl on the far left looks like she might be biracial. Not trolling, but that doesn't count as POC?

I think the most telling part of this study is that a lot of men, and not a small amount of women, will often engage in life threatening activities that have little or no measurable payoff. For instance, if you decide to climb Everest, well, good for you I guess, but if you die in the process, well, I'm not gonna get

Just as there are cis men child abusers out there.

chill out, bob

This is going to sound very treacly (especially considering I do not know these people and I frankly do not approve of the monarchy as an idea): I'm actually happy for her that she's able to maintain that snooze-town front. I imagine it's a mask she removes the moment she's behind closed doors. Diana was such a raw

WTF is with Americans and the British Royal Family? I do not get it. I am living in London right now (I'm American) and my level of enthusiasm (very low) is slightly higher than the average Brit I encounter. But apparently people in Ohio are ready to swear fealty any day now. Driving to NYC from Wisconsin just to see

As someone in mental health I do sort of feel for the ultrasound tech. While normally an argumentative patient does not warrant that person being committed, we don't know the details of how Ruby acted. That said, these "phantom" pregnancies occur and dealing with them is akin to dealing with other conditions such as

OMG, this:

Fox Appreciation Thread