
I like this guy! Just to add to the points he was making- this also has obvious financial effects as well. Women are expected to wear different and reasonably on trend clothing, shoes and makeup. Men can get by with about three suits, a couple pairs of shoes, a dozen shirts and ties for years!

Oh Maymo. I love you so. If you were my dog, I'd be making up goofy songs about you and singing them to you all day long.

This song is a nightmare dressed like a daydream.

Internet: You should also fuck his sister to get back at him.

My god, she is so young. I can't believe we send kids her age to war. Maybe I'm so accustomed to seeing teenage boys in uniform that I don't immediately read them as "young," but for some reason, the fact that she's a girl makes her age more jarring to me.

The REALLY appalling thing is knowing that both of these people, as well as lord knows how many others, knew full well they had syphilis and just how infectious and horrible it was, and willingly engaged in trysts with a number of people, even if not nearly the number the press would have one believe. "Oh sure, it's

Hey everyone, it's "devil's advocate for privilege"!! We knew you'd show up.

Nothing is stopping you from running the same experiment gender swapped if you really want to try to say something.


It's really impressive/disheartening to see how she, even though "drunk," says she wants one thing, and how many times some of them literally say, "no we're going to go here instead." Boundaries: good guys respect them!

How do you solve a problem like Pope Francis? How do you catch a cloud and pin it down?

I hate that shit so much. "It was just a mistake!" they say. No. Drugging and raping someone is cruel and premeditated. It's not a mistake. Fuck you. They can avoid prison and safeguard their future by just not drugging and raping people. Zero sympathy.

Having been a child, I can't imagine what possesses kids (even toddlers), once they've bitten into one of these things, to keep going and eat it. It doesn't taste good, I'm sure! Maybe they need to add bitterant to these products, and parents for sure need to do a better job securing them.

If you can't make it through the mental gymnastics it takes to figure out how to keep these away from your kids, you might consider buying a different product for a few years.

This article is very timely. I realized that today is the one-year anniversary of coming back from maternity leave with my son and I am pregnant with my third little dino-boo. So I had a moment of panic about all the time I am taking off in such a relatively short period of time and then I realized that it only

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