
James has a little band, does cons, and does a lot of voice work. Notably the Dresden Files. I highly recommend you buy Death Masks and Skin Game because the sex scenes are smoking hot and there's something about James Marsters panting and gasping as he's reading. Cough.

You know, I'm beginning to suspect that Dr. Luke might not even be a real doctor.

Again unclear on why any of this precludes a person from being sexually assaulted.

And Anna is wearing some sort of floral romper I'm pretty sure I owned in 1995 handmade from some flack my mom got from calico corners. Seriously, has anyone EVER looked at an Anna wintour outfit and thought "there's some rare style and class right there." Ever????

Not only that, being late with no prior notice is a power play. It's the attempt to 'prove' that you're more powerful than the person you're meeting with by forcing them to wait to meet with you.

The woman's no-nonsense pantsuits scream "I don't have time for your shit." If the chancellor of a notoriously punctual world power makes time for your shit? Be on time for your shit.

Hey Jude


Alrighty now. Don't fuck with Angela Merkel.

She doesn't have to care. His country's economy is in the shitter and she's sitting on the leader of Europe's economies.

hey jude

the actual condition is somewhat rare (about 1 out of 200 men, said Dr. Alukal)

another victory for Team Dog.

But many others of them are working women whose income didn't make sense after the cost of childcare and work-related expenses.

Life lessons for everyone on earth.

It's a perfectly fair argument that anyone who isn't in Liberia, dying alone in agony from Ebola on a hospital's tile floor should shut the fuck up. It's a good thing to keep in the back of your mind to keep your life in perspective, and to perhaps spur you to improve the world so everyone has better choices.

I love your fiance and I think you chose a fine man to marry.

Aside from that, the best he can say is that he never cheated on Carrie. He cheated on his wife.

Sometimes, she even adds rum to that Diet Coke.