
One time I got broken up with by my long-time crush after officially dating for one whole day, yep. He strung me along for a long time before that happened. He broke up with me while in his car, after a party. (so I was drunk on 2 40oz of Cobra I think) He said we would never work together or something, I mostly

My abusive then-girlfriend (I'm a woman) was a month away from moving in with me when she told me that she was having "feelings" for someone else, a friend of hers. She said nothing had happened, but she was now doubting our relationship. Cue a month-long hellish ordeal where we break up, get back together, break up,

My freshman year of college, I made the mistake of dating a very serious born-again Christian. (I was raised both Catholic and Unitarian Universalist, I'm not sure what he was doing in the relationship either.)

One day I overheard a girl yelling at a boy on the (pay)phone with the same name as my boyfriend. Being a one stoplight town, I was curious and asked her his last name. Turns out, she was yelling at her/my boyfriend. We hitchhiked to his house (with a super creepy dude) and upon knocking on the door, discovered he was

The pathological liar ex (I have posted about him before) and I had a relationship built entirely on dancing, fights and sex. It took me forever to understand that he was cheating on me, and I accepted his increasingly wild stories about his "friend" who was just "really emotionally fragile right now" and who I kept

That clown story was wonderful! I laughed out loud at Starbucks and now the slack jawed yokels are looking at me like I am crazy. But it is worth it. Clowns.

While I'm not going to help librarian1 get out of the grays, "baby killing fiends" is my favorite thing we've been called today. I really do love abortion, so much that I support legalizing them until the 200th trimester or so. Later if other people are in danger from the stupidity of the fetal adult.

Scott Walker is, inarguably, a piece of shit. But the people voting for him, many of them voting against their own interests? They are pieces of shit too.

During his initial campaign for governor, Walker made it clear that he wanted to outlaw abortion even as a life-saving measure. That's right. He thinks that women who are violently hemorrhaging because their pregnancy has gone hideously wrong should be forced by law to die. Because he is a piece of shit.


Fuzzy bike horns!

I hope people understand that the idea that "having sex a lot makes one's vagina loose" is a myth. So is the idea that virginity affects tightness, or the idea that childbirth permanently loosens it.

With that kind of upbringing it's no wonder he became enrolled in the Hitler Youth.

Choose the bar yourself, only order bottles or cans, watch the bartender open them. That's the level of vigilance you need if you want to be super safe (e.g. the level a man uses if visiting a dodgy third-world country known for tourist muggings).

"Stories like this are one of the many reasons I'm terrified to show my face on Tinder,"

I don't know. I met hundreds of men through the internet and was fine. But if I was dating nowadays I don't think I would drink out of anything but my own private flask, mad-eye moody style.

Do you spend a lot of time bragging about how much better you are than other women because all your friends are men, and how you could just never lower yourself enough to be friends with a girl? If not, you're probably not a "Cool Girl."


I can't believe this guy HAS a girlfriend. God bless her.

"even on holiday. EVEN on holiday."