
I lOOOVE their little squooshy wooshy faces, how could u not??

But... they're the cutest!!!!

Sorry, your hear-say don't mean a thing. WHEN did you go there? Because I went in 2004 before the financial crash, then to Athens again more recently, and it's going tits up (I love Greece so this makes me very sad). They do NOT have the money to support their heritage. They should perhaps maintain what they have

Tbh, I think the greeks have too much on their plates right now to think about it. The wellbeing of the artefacts is the highest moral priority in my book, so I'm still team keep them here.

I'm not saying we would go to Greece and nick it nowadays. But it's in England now in 2014, it's too late to NOT take it, and I don't think it's in the best interests of the cultural heritage of Greece to send it back there when they are clearly not equipped to look after it. Works of art like that should be preserved

Have you any idea of the terrible state Greece is in at the moment? They don't have a penny to spend on their heritage. Tombs, temples, and even the Parthenon are being severely damaged bc there is no funding for them. So no, we bloody well shouldn't give the marbles back!!! Greece is unravelling. Give them back so

Brilliant article, every word hit the nail on the head. They are sites of torture and oppression. I couldn't believe this airhead would get MARRIED on a plantation. I'd sooner plan a wedding in Auchwitz.

Argh, they are sooooo cuuuuuuteee!!!! Look at their lovely, intelligent, pretty eyes!! U r so lucky to have 3 you lucky son of a lucky person. How do you keep them? Do you live in Alasks or somewhere with wide open spaces?

Look Jez, I understand that being body positive is a great and important thing. But if this site REALLY CARED about women's wellbeing, it wouldn't be feeding us this crap. Obesity has serious health complications, and obesity when pregnant is no exception. As the US doesn't seem to bother with education or prenatal

So, why did the company go down the tubes again? I would have thought those unicorn stickers would always be a winner among girls aged 13 and below.

It should come as no surprise that I like your name, m'lud.

Er yeah... But it's usually men, though, isn't it. Women are WAY way WAY less likely to perpetrate sexual assaults.

Ok, WTF did I just watch? What IS this??

The word 'mommies' makes me want to vomit. That's as far as I got.

It's the same from the other side of the fence... I come across as quite girly and traditional bc that's how I'm comfortable dressing/I have long blonde hair etc and I HATE the creepy approval I get from some patriarchal jerks. The sort of 'oh, you're a NICE girl unlike those other awful tattooed beer-drinking

We should hang out.

Hm. I'm not that long out of my teens, would never have sexted. I'm pretty sure most of them aren't dumb enough to leave evidence.

Hm. I'm not that long out of my teens, would never have sexted. I'm pretty sure most of them aren't dumb enough to leave evidence.

He's 16. Over the age of consent here in the UK. Not a child in my eyes although of course as teachers they should not have gone there.

But... How will her folks even recognise her? And there's something really dishonest about false advertising. What if she gets married, is she going to tell him that her whole face is a lie? That her DNA does not in fact contain what her face says it does? I think Americans are a lot more ok with surgery due to the