
Fuck this is terrifying

Ok guys, can anyone explain to me HOW this woman looks so chic??? HOW???? As a high-powered lawyer and Clooney consort surely she doesn't have TIME to shop etc? What is the secret? Personal shoppers? Reading legal briefs while being blowdried and pedicured?? Please, please, lend me your collective wisdom!

It's a great song, but am I the only one who finds her incredibly affected pronunciation annoying? So deliberately slurry.

It's not about expulsion; it's about possible infection if a foreign body is inserted, which could lead to infertility. Impalon is better for those who have not had children yet and want them.

It's because if you insert a foreign body into the uterus, there is a greater chance of infection and infertility. If you can go with a different method for women who haven't had children but want them, you can save some heartache for the unlucky few who might get an infection.

Iceland FTW!!! Can't wait to go there in Spring. That muscular arm, that gaze at the parrot... I melted.

Heh. I like her. She don't need y'all anyway.

Wow, I really am surprised that this JLaw Martin thing is real. I just thought it was the Daily Mail's latest fever dream. it just seems so... unlikely.

Kind of curious, why did you have so many? Were you trying for a girl?

Aw, thanks *blushes* - you too eponine!

Yeah, and you don't need to put up with anything less than good for ANY area of your life!! Women have put up with being overlooked and insulted for too long, but the alarm clock of history has finally rung. Sorry that horrible thing happened to you, I'm glad good has come of it and you like your doc now.

Thank you so much for articulating this so clearly. I'm sick of Jezebel ignoring cruelty and exploitation whenever it suits their randomly-selected agenda. Do you think anyone on the staff actually watched this all the way through?

I have serious problems with Jezebel for this reason. Plus the fact that it pushes the 'men and women are identical' school of thought. Not to mention general total lack of realism and selection of random people to adore and elevate (Beyonce) or denigrate (iggy azalea). Lots of bitching and hypocrisy abound here.

THANK you!!! I'm pretty young, but I wish Jezebel would get more serious, and stop using offensive language the entire time. It's macho, it's stupid, it's offputting.

Ok, I came to this with an open mind. But by the time I got to chapter V I was really sad. She's clearly a vulnerable girl, she's 18 for chrissake, and she's clearly not happy. I don't doubt people can get over their hangups, but I don't think she's spent nearly enough years in therapy to get to grips with why she cut

A weird thing happened to me the other day. I googled Iggy Azaelea and realised I actually LIKE her music???!?!?! I usually detest hip hop. Can't explain it. Just found 'work' quite touching, also 'just askin'.

This is the most grotesque, insulting thing I've ever heard. Please tell me you reported him!!!!!! I mean, patriarchal crap or what.

Here in Britain they even had a nickname for that, which they put on the notes. "TUBE": "Totally Unnecessary Breast Exam". ICK.

"But if a woman is attractive, I do have to fight that part of my brain. I'd be lying if I said otherwise. ". THIS just proves what I've always known. If you are a young, attractive woman, NEVER let men get too close to you because every single effing time they will be thinking about fucking you. Don't have male docs,

I buy stuff from itunes all the time. Don't have the time/knowhow to steal it. Plus a lot of middle class guilt would probably prevent me anyway. I'm 24.